Owner asks dog who is a “good boy” in adorable video
He had some of his own things to say!
Jesi Halprin

It is often said that we, humans, don’t deserve dogs. This sentiment rings true, especially when a dog does something that makes us go “aww.”

One dog named Watson has received over 5.5 million views on a video of him answering questions about his siblings. First, his owner asks, “Watson, are you a good boy?” To that, he replies with a big bark, which we can only interpret as “yes.”

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So, Watson is a good boy. But what about his siblings?

“Is Harry a good boy?” the owner asks as she pans over to a cat. Watson gives a tiny look “woof” as if he knows not to get on Harry’s nerves, which people in the comments find so cute!

One commenter writes, “The cat’s face is priceless. Like I’m not having fun with these types of questions.” We are sure Watson thinks Harry is a good boy, but he clearly has a favorite sibling.

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The owner asks, “Is Kiko, a good boy?” and Watson’s response is what melts everyone’s hearts.

He goes over to Kiko and wraps his paws around him in a hug. It’s absolutely adorable! Whether it is a learned trick or Watson just feels protective over Kiko, we aren’t complaining!

The bond between Watson and Kiko goes deeper than this one video shows. In July 2020, Watson and Kiko were awarded Pet of the Week on Good Morning America. In this video, it is explained that Watson is an emotional support animal for not only his owner but Kiko as well.

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In 2019, Kiko was diagnosed with cancer and had to have one of his legs amputated.

But luckily, he had Watson to help him adjust and keep his spirits high. You can see in the video how much Watson and Kiko depend on each other.

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It’s amazing to see such a strong bond between the two dogs. Even in the short interview done with the family, Kiko and Watson won’t separate to let their owner sit between the two.

They keep their bodies pressed together, almost as if holding each other up. There is no doubt that Watson is a special dog. His owner talks about how he came into her life when she needed it the most. Dealing with social anxiety, she can lean on Watson for support.

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And Kiko can do the same.

When going through his treatment and surgery for cancer, he could always count on Watson to be there for him. This is not to mention Watson’s ability to answer his owner’s questions about him and his siblings!

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But even if a dog, cat, or any other pet doesn’t know how to answer questions like Watson, they still have a special place in the hearts of their owners and the people that get to see their content shared online.

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Many animal owners will be found guilty of having a phone full of photos of their pet. Often these photos are snuck when the animal is sleeping, and no matter the position, even if it’s how they sleep every time, it gets cuter and cuter.

Many people couldn’t imagine their lives without their pets. Animals give many people a purpose; without them, we aren’t sure where we would be. But, one thing is for sure, Watson, Kiko, and even Harry are good boys!

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To see Watson and his siblings, check out the video below.

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