When people tell you that Siberian Huskies are energetic, overly dramatic dogs, you’d think they were exaggerating.
That is until you see this particular dog throw tantrums all over his mom’s property.
The reason being that he’s not allowed to enter the house.
No one knows why but if I were to guess, I’d say it’s because of his… energy.

But what’s even more amazing is that he’s already got his head in the door when he hears mom’s emphatic no.
Now other dogs would have ignored their human, running inside the house and hiding who knows where.
This dog?
He’s got his head in but snaps back to howl and whine when he gets a no.

This very husky husky runs back and forth, constantly jawing at his mom but she’s not having it.
Another hilarious shot is when his mom films him from the top of the landing while he howls and whines from the grassy area.
“He’s playing with the ball like “IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT!!?? ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!!??”
Says a viewer.

Such a drama queen.
He gives off a few short barks before almost rolling on the grass, once again showing his displeasure of not being allowed to enter the premises. That’s a long tantrum.

He’s not done.
He runs back up the stairs still pretty vocal about his issues, then runs all the way back down to the grass where he does a few circles while still ranting.
Then he’s back up again.

Dog Time gives a short description about this breed:
“It is easy to see why many are drawn to the Siberian’s wolf-like looks, but beware because this athletic, intelligent dog can act independently and challenge first-time dog parents. Huskies also put the “H” in Houdini and need a yard with a high fence that goes all the way into the ground to prevent escapes. Giving your Husky enough exercise may prove easier said than done; though, it’ll reduce boredom and unwanted behaviors, like escape attempts.”
That’s a more formal way of saying that they can be a handful.

Even some of the viewers confirm this!
Bella M says,
“No no. Play outside” “WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY UHHHHHHHHH “ Husky’s are so funny I love how dramatic they can be.”
While Rachel G went,
“It’s as if he’s protesting while doing what he’s been told to, “Fine! I’m playing! See me PLAYING?! I hate this, but I’m playing! Is that enough? SERIOUSLY?! FINE!! LOOK IM RUNNING AROUND!! LET ME INSIDE!!!!”

Even I’ve seen a friend’s husky escape and refuse to behave.
They are super cute dogs though. And when they’re in the mood for affection, they’ll give it to you for hours at a time.

This funny husky expelled tons of energy throwing his tantrums.
You have to wonder how he reacted when he was finally allowed inside the house.
He must have felt so ridiculous.
Or did he?
Watch this dog’s hilarious reaction below!
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