Octopus melts hearts with sweet ‘thank you’ for woman who helped saved her babies
She knew she had to think fast to help.
Jenny Brown

In a surprising twist of fate, Casey, an octopus mother, thought she had stumbled upon a safe haven for her offspring within a PVC pipe.

Little did she know, this was actually a trap set by fishermen aiming to catch her for their next meal.

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However, Casey was not about to give up on her children so easily, and neither was Sheree Marris, a kind-hearted individual who stumbled upon the scene.

Determined to thwart the fishermen’s plans, Marris set out to protect Casey and her soon-to-be-born babies.

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Every morning, Marris would take walks along the beach, which is how she discovered the plastic pipe hiding a remarkable secret.

“All I could see were these suckers and these arms. And then she came out it’s then that I saw she had these eggs,” Marris recounted her awe-inspiring discovery to The Dodo.

It was an encounter that would mark the beginning of an extraordinary rescue mission.

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Understanding the vulnerability of octopuses due to their soft bodies, Marris knew Casey needed a secure hiding spot to protect her eggs from predators.

“Some fisher people will deliberately sink these tubes hoping an octopus will take up residence,” Marris explained, shedding light on the cruel intentions behind what seemed like a harmless piece of debris.

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Octopus reproduction is a fascinating process.

According to OctoNation, while some species can lay hundreds of thousands of eggs, others produce only one egg capsule, which might contain around 100 embryos.

Marris’s actions, therefore, had the potential to save not just one, but potentially hundreds of thousands of future octopuses.

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Marris took action by securing the pipe to a brick and placing it deeper in the water, away from prying eyes and hungry mouths.

This simple yet effective method provided Casey with a safer environment to nurture her eggs.

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Marris named the octopus Casey, meaning “warrior mother,” a fitting tribute to her fierce determination to protect her young.

Over time, Marris would visit Casey, witnessing the maternal bond firsthand.

“A couple of times I went out there she would put her arm out,” Marris shared.

She noted how Casey, despite not eating while guarding her eggs, accepted a muscle Marris found nearby, showcasing a rare moment of trust and interaction between human and octopus.

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Unfortunately, nature’s unpredictability posed a new threat as a storm made it impossible for Marris to locate the tube.

“I didn’t know whether or not I would ever see Casey again,” Marris confessed, voicing the uncertainty that clouded her efforts.

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Miraculously, about two to three weeks later, Marris found Casey, albeit a bit weathered, alongside the missing tube.

Marris’s quick thinking ensured Casey and her eggs were safely reunited, and she even had a friend create a more secure structure to protect them in the future.

This touching tale not only highlights the intelligence and resilience of octopuses but also showcases the remarkable bond that can form between humans and marine life, bridging the gap between two very different worlds.

Check out the full story in the video below!

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