Have you ever met a dog that is a little socially awkward? She takes a minute to warm up to you. She not angry or fearful, she’s just a bit… well, uncomfortable.
That’s what you’ll see here in this video from a doggy daycare in Virginia. All looks good, dogs are having the time of their lives swimming and frolicking in a huge pool. There’s plenty of tennis balls to go around and the splashing is kept at a maximum. Except there’s one difference.

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other
There’s one dog who doesn’t seem to be enjoying the pool like the other dogs. There’s one dog who stands out from the crowd. She just floats in the water and stares at the camera. Is she not enjoying her swim? Is she preoccupied with something other than doggy swim time? Whatever the situation, it’s hard not to get a chuckle out of this scene.

Happy Tails Resort
One of the greatest components of the Happy Trails Resort, located in Norfolk, Virginia, is the pool. The dogs line up at the gate with the energy of American consumers on Black Friday, or kids waiting for the public pool to open on a hot summer day.
The website boasts, “Happy Tails has been described by many as a ‘Montesorri School for Dogs,’ meaning they get to do what they love the most.”

It’s really these “Non-swimming Dog” videos that have put this doggy daycare in the public eye. Their reach has gone far beyond just local dog owners. The swimming pool has become a worldwide phenomenon. Many of the YouTube videos, that include this dog, have gone viral. One of the videos has garnered over two million views.

The Non-Swimming Dog
At the Happy Tails Resort, this dog is known as “The Non-swimming Dog.” Her breed is undetermined but many YouTubers have commented that she could be a Vizsla.
A Vizsla has a sleek golden rust coloring and was bred as a hunter’s companion. The American Kennel Club has this to say about the affectionate breed…
“The Vizsla is a versatile, red-coated gundog built for long days in the field. For centuries, these rugged but elegant athletes have been the pride of Hungarian sportsmen and their popularity in America increases with each passing year.”

Worldwide Popularity
The CBS This Morning team had a good laugh about this one. The hilarious video has the hosts commenting and laughing.
“He’s either overly calm or socially awkward. While the other dogs jump and swim and play with balls… he just sits there staring at the camera. He has zero, no interest at all in playing with those other dogs”

Many YouTubers have guessed what’s going through this dog’s mind.
“He’s conserving energy so when all the other dogs are tired he will have the pool to himself.”
“He is one who has attained ‘Nirvana’ the highest state and hence not interested in the ‘worldly chaos’ of those poor ignorant souls.”
“He’s looking at nothing – he’s standing still cause he’s TAKING A PEE IN THE POOL!”

Enjoy this funny video, and you’ll see how social awkwardness doesn’t just happen to humans. It’s alive and well at this doggy daycare when swim time comes around.
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