Who are the best mamas in the animal kingdoms? Hands down, it’s definitely the hens.
They are so protective of their babies that you won’t see them until they start to be independent and walk on their own. And their maternal instincts are so strong that they will look out for other children (of different species) when they need a mother.
Even if they’re clearly not the same bird or even animal, these mama hens will still take care of them as they were her own children.
Here are 20 photos that prove mama hens are the best mamas in the animal kingdom.
1. During a storm
This hen kept this kittens safe during a storm. Thunderstorms usually frighten cats and they hide somewhere dark to stay safe. We’re pretty sure hiding under the hen is a pretty safe place to wait out the storm.
2. Unique relationships
This is Mabel, a hen who believes she’s a dog. And she’s adopted this litter of puppies. Their real mom, Nettle, has already recovered from the birth and goes out to the yard during the day. When Nettle is out, Mabel takes her place and takes care of the puppies.
3. The love of a mother
This hen has taken it upon herself to take care of this puppy, who is all alone. What a beautiful gesture! Although, the puppy is so big, there’s no more room for the chick to take shelter. Or maybe she encouraged her mother to take care of the puppy, too.
4. Mama hen and her kittens
The farmer found his mama hen sitting on these four kittens in his barn one day. Apparently, their mama cat gave birth in the hen’s nest. But mama hen didn’t care if they were there. She just saw babies who needed love.
5. Mama hen’s love for everyone
It doesn’t even matter if they look like each other or if they’re even babies. Mama hen will love all birds and animals the best way they know how, keeping them warm.
6. A multi-breed family
Are you a chicken or duck? It doesn’t matter. We’re all here to be together and take care of each other.
7. Grown eggs and ham
The grown version of Dr. Seuss’ book. What do you think? Although they’re not green and the ham is sleeping.
8. When the cat is away
The cat gave birth to her kittens in the chicken coop. When the cat leaves, the mama hen steps over to take care of the kittens. It’s like maternal instinct.
9. Scrambling to get under
This mama hen would like to keep them all under her wing. But she’s only got space for so many kittens. In this case, she’s only got room for two. The third one doesn’t care though, she’s gonna scooch her way inside, even if it’s mama hen’s butt.
10. Chickens raising pigs
And just like any other kid, human or not, piglet tries to get away from mama’s protectiveness. But mama’s not having any of this insolence! You’re staying under my wing!
11. How many legs are there?
A chicken’s only supposed to have two feet, right? Am I counting it right or are my eyes just blurry?
12. Cuddle time
They may not be under her wing but the nest is cozy enough. It’s real cozy for a cuddle!
13. Adopted ducks
They’re all still birds, just different kinds. But it doesn’t matter right? A mama hen doesn’t choose who she’ll love.
14. Mama hen and baby jackdaw
This time, mama hen has adopted a baby crow or jackdaw. And when the baby starts to cry, mama hen was there immediately to pacify her cries.
15. New baby for mama hen
Her babies are already walking, being all independent. They don’t need mama anymore. This dog needs his mama though and he’s perfectly happy to cuddle with her.
16. Mama hen and her giant baby ostriches
These baby ostriches don’t last long after they are born in this farm. Either the mama and papa ostrich steps on them, the owls get them at night or the coyotes does. So the farmers decided to move the babies to a different cage with a different mama, this mama hen. The experiment was a success and the baby ostriches grow up naturally.
17. Ducklings for mama hen
The ducklings were new at the farm and their mother wasn’t there. But they did have a mama hen. Will they survive with mama hen’s care? Will mama hen take them at all? Judging from she put the ducklings under her arm, they’re all going to be just fine.
18. Stranded after a storm
There was a storm at the farm the night before and the parents were stranded away from their nests. This was a problem for the babies who needed their warmth. This mama hen comes to the rescue and sits on the babies until their parents get back.
19. She thought they were her babies
This mama hen thought the litter of kittens were her baby chicks. And she wouldn’t let anyone near them, including their mama cat! Eventually, they reached a compromise.
20. The luckiest duckling
This duckling escaped from a factory farm and one of the nicer employees took the duckling home to her farm. In the farm, she had a chicken that was different from the other chickens. She thought they would get along. She was right.
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Sources: Bored Panda, BrightSide, The Dodo