Mother hen searches for chicks only to find them being babysat by their “aunt”
She saw the chicks alone and decided to keep them warm and snuggly. 🐱🐥
Luis Gaskell

While we’ve grown accustomed to them as fluffy companions who like knocking things over, cats are still predators through and through. It’s in their genes.

If you’ve ever had your cat bring home a dead bird to your porch, you’d know this pretty well. But training and conditioning can work wonders, and some cats can learn to be near smaller critters without wanting to harass them or gobble them up.

When this cat sat beside a bunch of chicks, it proved that a well-trained cat can learn to see them as friends and not food.

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YouTube Screenshot - catsdiary3115

A batch of chicks would be a tasty treat for predators in the wild. Foxes and wildcats especially love them. Thankfully, we’re not in the wild, and there’s nothing wild about this cat.

With a demeanor very unlike a feral cat, this one watches the chicks with intense curiosity. You know, the friendly kind of curiosity.

Mama hen isn’t here, and someone’s got to watch the chicks.

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YouTube Screenshot - catsdiary3115

Seems like it has to play the role of babysitter now. So, just how hard is it to babysit a different species?

Well, how hard can it be? We do it all the time, don’t we?

So our feline babysitter welcomes the job with open paws.

The cat lays down, and I can only guess it’s to let the chicks trust it and snuggle a bit.

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YouTube Screenshot - catsdiary3115

The chicks take it a step further, though, and get a bit rough with the cat. That’s a whole lot of small bodies tossing and turning around you, but the cat doesn’t mind one bit.

And the chicks seem pretty warmed up to their unlikely babysitter. They don’t feel threatened one bit, or maybe they have no concept of it. Either way, it makes for a cute scene.

The cat’s even comfortable to start cleaning itself while the feathery daycare does its thing.

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YouTube Screenshot - catsdiary3115

But mama hen eventually came back. It’s time to find out how she’ll react.

The hen came back and stared blankly at the cat and her chicks. “What the heck’s going on here?”

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YouTube Screenshot - catsdiary3115

Yay, her chicks are in good hands. But this wasn’t the babysitter she’d have chosen.

Well, you’d best believe it, mama.

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YouTube Screenshot - catsdiary3115

This cat took good care of the chicks while you were away. Any other cat might have made a morsel out of them.

The chicks can vouch for it too. Look how comfy they are!

And the best part is that this cat isn’t charging any babysitting fees.

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YouTube Screenshot - catsdiary3115

From what I can see, it just seems happy to be around the chicks. How many cats can say the same?

The job’s done, and it’s time for the cat to let mama hen take over from here.

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YouTube Screenshot - catsdiary3115

I’m sure she appreciated the help, even if she looked a bit confused. That said, don’t let her catch you eating anything chicken in the future.

Watch this cat play daycare guardian with the chicks below. If you found this article entertaining, please give it a share too!

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