Mom hilariously outwits her stubborn dog who keeps squeezing through the fence
The "safety spoon" is a simple but very effective method. Just ask Lu-Seal. 😂
Michael Dabu

When dogs habitually and intentionally disobey their owners, there’s no other way but to teach them a lesson. How do you do that? Of course, by outsmarting them!

The beginning.

It was four years ago when Julia Morley first laid eyes on Lu-Seal the Chihuahua at a local shelter in Pittsburgh. Back then, the dog weighed 16 pounds and could barely walk. She’d oftentimes stumble, wiggle, and fall whenever she goes for a stroll with her feet.

Clearly, she was unhealthy and obese. She’s twice as heavy as the normal weight for a dog of her age.

But that was years ago and everything has totally changed now for the then heavy dog.

Lu-Seal is now 9 years old and only weighs 8 pounds!

That’s after the hard work and dedication put on by her mom, Julia.

“I put her on a healthy diet and walked her as much as she could tolerate, and the pounds fell off. Now she’s a healthy weight and doing great,” she told The Dodo.

Well, everyone seems to be happy with the results. The dog became healthier, livelier, and she’s been in shape for three years now. However, with her healthier body comes a bit of a problem for Julia when she decided to put up a fence in their backyard.

It’s a problem that has never crossed her mind.

“It never occurred to me that she would fit through the bars of the fence when I picked it out, but it became clear as soon as it was installed that it was going to be a problem,” she said.

The lively dog would always try to sneak out of the newly-built fence and it’s all because of their friendly neighbor, Eddie. Why? Simply because he always brings mouth-watering treats to Lu-Seal.

If you’d ask the dog if it’s worth sneaking out and disobeying mom, she’d probably say, “YES!” Who wouldn’t love to gobble in on some delicious treats?

It’s then time for a remedy to this “sneaky” situation.

Julia asked Lu-Seal’s follower’s on her Instagram account what’s the best thing to do about it. One fan gave a simple yet funny idea on how to stop the dog from squeezing herself out of the fence.

Placing a “safety spoon” on Lu-Seal’s back.

Not only did the solution sound simple, but it’s effective too!

Julia said, “I attached it to her harness with Velcro cable ties and it worked like a charm. We only used it as a temporary solution. The landscaper came back a week later and installed puppy guards on the fence.”

“I think Lu-Seal was so committed to getting through that fence that she didn’t even notice the spoon on her back. It didn’t seem to bother her at all and it certainly didn’t change her conviction that her attempts were eventually going to work,” she added.

No more breaking out for poor Lu-Seal.

It’s all thanks to the puppy guards on the fence, the dog eventually accepted the fact that she’s never going to fit in the fence again. But it seems like she doesn’t need to be bothered at all because she’s just a couple of feet away from Eddie’s treats.

“Instead, whenever she sees Eddie during her vigilant cookie watch, she runs to the gate and waits for me to take her over to see him. Lu-Seal is just unfailingly optimistic. She has a permanent smile on her face, and nothing seems to keep her down,” Julia explained.

After all, the fence was put there to protect their entire family.

Safety always comes first, Lu-Seal!

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