Missing dog separated from mom for 2 yrs catches whiff of her scent & can’t bottle her excitement
That reaction says it all!
Sasha Alonzo

Picture this: the overwhelming happiness of reuniting with a cherished pet after a long separation of over two years.

This is exactly the joyous experience of Rebecca Bien, who was finally able to embrace her lost dog, Emmy Lou, thanks to the efforts of a dedicated Facebook group.

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The touching reunion unfolded at the Louisville Metro Animal Shelter in Kentucky, a moment filled with emotion and captured on video for all to see.

The video showcases Emmy Lou, a spirited five-year-old Heeler-Collie mix, instantly recognizing Rebecca and expressing her joy with an enthusiastic tail wag.

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The video opens with a scene of Rebecca, a vibrant 27-year-old, making her way through the shelter’s hallway, led by a staff member.

A friend’s voice from behind the camera inquires, “Hey Rebecca, who are you going to get?”

To which Rebecca, with a beaming smile, eagerly responds, “Emmy.”

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As they near Emmy Lou’s cage, Rebecca reaches out her hand for the dog to sniff.

The moment Emmy Lou catches Rebecca’s familiar scent, her tail starts to wag uncontrollably.

The sight of her long-lost furry friend overwhelms Rebecca with emotion, bringing her to tears.

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The excitement is palpable as Emmy Lou frantically sniffs around and pushes against the cage door, eagerly awaiting release.

When the staff member finally opens the cage, Emmy Lou bursts out, leaping up to Rebecca and covering her with affectionate licks.

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In a voice brimming with joy, Rebecca asks Emmy, “You want to go home? I love you.”

The video concludes with a heartwarming scene of Rebecca scratching and hugging Emmy Lou, who stands on her hind legs, eagerly returning the affection.

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This reunion was a long time in the making.

Emmy Lou had been missing since September 2017, having vanished during a storm in the Louisville area.

Rebecca, along with friends and family, tirelessly searched for her, distributing flyers and posting on Craigslist, but their efforts seemed in vain.

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Refusing to lose hope, Rebecca created a Facebook page titled ‘Help Find Emmy Lou Harris (The Dog)’.

The page quickly became a hub for community support, attracting around 1,000 members.

The most devoted members, lovingly dubbed ‘Emmy’s Angels’, would regularly organize searches throughout the area, some by car, others on foot.

The turning point came around Christmas when one of Emmy’s Angels spotted her, leading to a search of local animal shelter listings where Rebecca finally found a dog that matched Emmy Lou’s description.

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Now residing in Franklin, Kentucky, Rebecca hopes her story will inspire others facing the heartache of a missing pet.

Speaking to Happily, she advises, “For the finders of lost animals, I urge you strongly to please take the animals to a vet or a shelter to be scanned for a chip. They will also give time for the owners to contact them in search for their baby.”

She also offers words of encouragement for those in similar situations: “Be strong – social media is your best friend. Reach out to other animal lovers who will sympathize and actively help you search. And do not be fooled by false ransom notes – people can be cold in the face of sorrow.”

Don’t miss the chance to witness their tearjerking reunion in the video below!

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