Book-Loving Cat Banned From Library For His Own Good But Internet Rallies Behind Him
Poor Max!
Britanie Leclair

After acquiring an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, a ginger cat named Max has been banned from his local college library.


Max is a social, little kitty that charms just about everyone that he meets. He lives in Minnesota with his owner Connie Lipton, directly across from Macalester College. When Max joined the Lipton family, Connie and her husband thought it would be good to let him roam outside during the day. Unsurprisingly, the students from the college immediately caught his eye.

“He was just socializing with the students on the grounds,” Connie told The Dodo. “He would go over there every day and spend quite a bit of time. It’s hard to know exactly. He usually would go out for a few hours at a time and then come home only to want to go back out again soon after.”

Max the Cat/Facebook
Max the Cat/Facebook

After a while, Max wasn’t content just socializing with the students though; he wanted the full-on college experience! The curious kitty began invading the college buildings, even interrupting a few classes in the process. Eventually, however, he discovered the library and it quickly became his new favorite spot.


Even though Max loved hanging out in the college library and getting pets from his human friends, administrators decided they would have to ban Max from his favorite hang-out.

No one had a problem with the friendly kitty being there, but they were scared he would accidentally get locked in during winter break. Not to mention, new construction had been underway and nobody wanted him to get hurt.

Hearing the news, someone at the college decided to put up a poster to let others know that Max was no longer allowed inside.


It didn’t take long for the school’s policy to go viral, earning Max a ton of new followers and inspiring a few new works of art…


Despite the public outcry, Max’s owners have decided it’s best that he start staying inside. Max, however, remains unconvinced.

“Max is very unhappy about not being able to roam and having to be grounded in the house,” Connie told The Dodo. “He cries to go out and paces around the house. We are trying to give him some new ‘jobs’ by clicker-training him, and I’m hoping to get him trained to leash-walking. He’s very handsome in his red harness.”

“I plan on taking him over to socialize on campus and to the language houses to visit,” she continued. “I’m also thinking about having him trained to be a therapy cat where he can go to be with groups of young adults.”

On a brighter note, Max has recently been invited back to the college to have afternoon tea with the Religious Studies department. Needless to say, all of his school friends were very excited to see him.

Makers of the sign have also been hinting at a possible children’s book!

Although Max’s college life has been cut short, we’re sure this curious kitty still has a very bright future ahead of him!


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