Man watches dog’s vet bills skyrocket over $24K and decides to put everything on the line
There's nothing he isn't willing to do to keep her with him. 💘
Jessica Adler

Having a pet is a joyous experience that brings companionship, love, and happiness.

However, it is important to recognize that having a furry friend is not all fun, it comes with a great responsibility.

From feeding and grooming to exercising and healthcare, pets rely on their owners to fulfill their basic needs, it’s our duty to ensure they have a balanced diet, regular veterinary care, and a clean and safe environment to thrive in.

Ensuring that can be a lot.

A whole lot.

Owning a pet comes with financial responsibilities as well.

We must be prepared to cover expenses such as food, vaccinations, regular check-ups, grooming, and also unexpected medical emergencies.

Jaxon Feeley knows firt-hand.

He is a podcast host and has 2 Weimaraner dogs — Rambo and Rocky.

Jaxon’s nightmare came to fruition.

One fateful night, Jaxon noticed something was wrong with his beloved dog, Rambo.

Rambo was vomiting several times and without any hesitations, Jaxon rushed Rambo to the nearest clinic to get medical attention immediately.

The clinic diagnosed Rambo with stomach flu which already developed hypovolemic shock.

According to,because there is insufficient blood to completely fill the vascular system, hypovolemic shock can prevent oxygen and other vital nutrients from reaching the dog’s tissues.

Without treatment, the affected body organs, such as the heart or lungs, may suffer damage that may potentially result in death.

Jaxon wasn’t going to let that happen.

The dog Dad was aware of the significant financial need associated with Rambo’s medical treatment.

As the days turned into weeks, the veterinary bills escalated exponentially, reaching an astonishing amount of £11,500.

Jaxon’s love for his furry companion pushed him to consider drastic moves, including selling his own house, if necessary.

Jaxon knew Rambo needs his presence, too.

Jaxon, accompanied by his other faithful canine companion Rocky, made the decision to temporarily reside in his car just outside the veterinary clinic.

In this way, Jason was close to Rambo at all times.

As the medical treatment for Rambo intensified, the veterinary bills did also.

Jason’s financial burden increased significantly.

The initial estimate of £11,500 had skyrocketed to a staggering £21,000.

Despite this large amount, Jason remained determined to provide the best care possible for his cherished dog.

Money means nothing without loved ones.

Jason turned to online platforms, sharing Rambo’s story and setting up crowdfunding campaigns to rally support from friends, family, and kind-hearted strangers alike.

Fortunately, Rambo got better.

After weeks of waiting, Rambo’s condition took a remarkable turn for the better in just 72 hours.

From being confined to a sick bed for over a week, Rambo’s appetite slowly returned, and he began to eat and drink.

The veterinary staff was amazed at his improvement.

Finally, Jaxon brought Rambo home- healthy and happy.

Owning a pet is a privilege that comes with great responsibility.

But take note that embracing the responsibility of pet ownership is a journey filled with endless love, growth, and cherished memories.

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