An Imgur user that goes by the name bmusser was on his way to work one day when he heard a distressing sound.
The sound was coming from the fence next to his neighbor’s yard.
“I was heading to my service van to go to my first call for work four weeks ago when I heard crying,” he told Love Meow.
So, bmusser followed the sound of the cries which lead him to a newborn kitten lying in some tall grass near his neighbor’s garage. The kitten was pretty much fresh out the womb.

His tiny little eyes were still closed and his umbilical cord was still attached.
“I waited for some time to see if the mama would come back and she never did,” bmusser explained. “I picked him up and brought him inside to the wife.”
His wife went out to the store and got some kitten formula and bottle fed the little baby who enjoyed a long snooze after his meal.

“After work we took him to the vet. He checked him out and said the kitten was in good shape,” bmusser told Love Meow. “He was anywhere from two to five days old.”
This baby kitten became quite cozy with his new family and their other three cats.
“Shobo our other cat has taken it upon himself to take care of the kitten,” bmusser said on Imgur. “Him and our son have already become best friends.”

After 10 days the cat was able to open his eyes to reveal some adorable baby blues and it wasn’t long before he was able to eat on his own.
“Figuring out how to drink from the saucer for the first time,” the cat’s human dad explained. “He kept sticking his nose in and then sneezing it out.”
Eventually, the kitten got the hang of it.

“I need to name this kitten. Found him as a newborn four weeks ago, I’ve been taking care of him,” bmusser told his Imgur friends. “Now he’s drinking from a saucer, using the litter box, and enjoys playing with our son and other cats.”
The entire family is absolutely in love with their currently nameless kitty.
“He’s a litte floof!” said bmusser.
The family was asking for name suggestions for the cat and some Imgur users have offered suggestions of “Floofalot,” “Fluffaluffagus” or “Gus” for short, “Methuselah,” “Fluffy McFlufferson,” “Asher, “Smokey, “Ewak,” and “Bill.”

So far, it looks like this family is still deciding on a name. Check out the video of this adorable little floof below and leave your own name suggestion here.
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