Can you imagine being outplayed and outhustled by a band of kitty bandits?
Through all of the news about stray and abandoned animals, some people help us restore our faith in humanity. While they cannot adopt every stray they see, rescuing one or two of them is already a big thing.

But what if you suddenly find yourself with more than just one or two? A professional shooter had this dilemma when he encountered a stray little kitten.
Robert Brantley was driving down a dirt road in Louisiana.
In the middle of his drive, something caught his eye. His keen eyesight may have helped him through a rifle scope but it also helped him detect something people would’ve easily missed.

He saw a kitten on the side of the road. According to NPR, he actually passed by the kitten and then circled back just to make sure. It was indeed a kitten, a white-gray tabby kitten.
He posted the encounter on his Instagram account.
“Left work to go to the range. Passed a baby kitten I knew wouldn’t make it through the night and the wife has been wanting a cat for the farm; figured I’d stop and rescue the thing.” He said in the caption. The moment he picked up the little kitten, the trap was sprung.

He looked up to where he thought the kitten came from and saw in the middle of the grass three kitten heads looking at him.
Then, as the three jumped towards him, a whole litter poured out from the side of the road.
It’s as if the little kitten was the assigned “bait” for an unsuspecting kind-hearted person. The litter coddled and weaved between Brantley’s legs.

Startled with the kittens’ crafty plan, he said “Oh, no, there’s a whole — oh, my gosh! I can’t take y’all. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, there’s more! We got a kitten problem,”

Saying he got a hand full of kittens was an understatement at that point. According to NPR, Brantley never made it to the range that day.
Brantley was not prepared to take the entire litter in as much as he wanted to.
“I was not prepared for the kittens,” he told NPR. “I was just blown away.”

He told the news outlet that he was hit by “a wave of emotions” when he felt like someone had likely abandoned the kittens on the side of the road.
Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram
He can even be heard on the video saying “Who would do this?”
His video became viral which eventually helped him with his “kitten problem”.
According to his succeeding Instagram posts, the kittens were adopted one after the other. People admired Brantley for what he did but he said that doing something good is something we should normally do.
Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram
“That’s kind of my thing is just I want people to know that no matter where you’re at and how much bad you see in the world, there’s still a lot of people — not talking about me — doing good things and not doing it for recognition,” he said.
Watch the adorable ambush in the video below!
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