Most of us would do anything for our pets. We genuinely love and care for them and know that they love and care for us back! As their owners, it is our responsibility to take care of them, feed them, and look after their needs. As our pets get older, their needs often change from when they were a puppy.

Unfortunately, many senior animals are abandoned because of their needs.

All across the world, animals are abandoned because of their increased needs. Thankfully, there are some incredible owners out there who would never dream of abandoning their pets just because their needs increased. One man was recently caught on video caring for his senior dog in the best way possible!
In Vibo Valentina, Italy, one man was seen taking his dog on a walk.

While taking your dog on a walk doesn’t seem out of the norm, one man took it to a whole new level. Tonino Vitale is an older man that has a 13-year-old dog. Thirteen is pretty old as far as dogs go, meaning that this dog is well and truly a senior. The two go on walks every day together, a tradition that is over a decade in practice.
What makes this situation different was caught on video.

Sabrina La Grotteria caught Tonino walking with his dog. The dog is named Dylan, and because of his age, he has some problems. He has arthritis in his legs and doesn’t have any mobility in his back legs. Even with this medical condition, the two still go on walks every day. How, you ask?
A cart!

Every day, Tonino places Dylan on a little cart and pushed him all around the city. Knowing that his dog loved going on walks so much, he knew that it was something that they would continue to do together. As such, Tonino made a cart that he could push Dylan in every day.

Sabrina caught the scene on video and people love it.

People love to see heartwarming moments of love and dedication. Tonino and Dylan definitely fit that bill! It just shows how much Tonino cares for his old friend in the last years of his life. It doesn’t make it easy to have a senior dog who needs a cart to walk, but when you care about someone, you go the extra mile.

The video is reminding people about showing love to the people (and animals) who need it most.

There are many senior animals in the world that need extra love. People like Tonino are wonderful owners and people that show their dedication. Since being caught on video, people have felt inspired and encouraged by the elderly man’s actions.
In a final act on the video, Tonino lifts up the dog and carries him in.

In a final heartbreaking moment, we see Tonino carry his dog inside. He lifts him by the harness and carries the struggling dog into the gate so they can go inside. It is tough to watch because of the suffering that you see but there is so much love in beauty in it as well.

Check out the video below!
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