Dogs have a love/hate relationship with the mailman, and it’s pretty common for your pet pooch to be straight up scared of the person who delivers your post. Dogs can be territorial when it comes to your home- though weirdly, they seem to save their hostility for only the mailman in particular.
However, not all dogs will fit into the same mould, and there will always be some exceptions. So when on particular golden retriever first discovered the mail truck, for him, it was like all his birthdays had come at once.
The sweet pooch now waits patiently for the truck to arrive every day, and one particular video of him waiting one morning has since gone viral after being shared on the internet. And it’s so adorable that we just had to share it with you.

The video was posted onto YouTube by Mary Safir and has received a staggering 9.7 million views since being posted in 2016. Captioned, “Golden retriever waiting patiently for mail truck,” the video shows the lead up to this dog’s favorite time of the day: mail time.
The video appears to be filmed from the driveway of somebody’s house, and shows the sweet pooch sitting like a Good Boy and waiting patiently for the truck to arrive. He begins by sitting up nice and straight, but as time goes by he appears to get tired and ends up lying in the same spot at the end of the driveway. He must have been waiting for a really long time!

Then finally, the truck pulls up, and we see it instantly in the dog’s reaction! The sweet little guy instantly jumps up and runs towards the truck with his tail wagging, and he stands and watches as the mailman pushes the mail into the box next door.
Sadly, the driver doesn’t appear to have time to get out and pet the dog, but the golden retriever seems happy enough just to watch the man doing his job. As the mailman then continues to the dog’s house, the pup follows the truck at a run, before he has his most important job of the day: taking the newspaper from the mailman.

The sweet little guy seems incredibly excited at the prospect of this, and his tail begins to wag as he takes the paper in his mouth and runs happily up the driveway. It’s been another successful day, and he already can’t wait for tomorrow to do the same thing all over again.

People took to the comments to express their love for the video, with one person quipping:
“So that’s why they’re called retrievers. I thought they were only for duck hunting…”
Another added:
“Who said dogs and mailmen can’t be friends?”
A final person said:
“This is so cute and sweet… I’ve seen this clip, I don’t know how many times, and it still strikes me the same way.”

We would certainly be happy watching this video a hundred more times! Watch it for yourself below.
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