Man Abandons Dog At Shelter Because She’s ‘Too Affectionate’
All Jubilee wanted was to be loved.
Rachel Shapiro

Meet Jubilee: a sweet dog who was surrendered to an animal shelter because she loved too much.

Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook
Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook

Back in 2015, one-year-old Jubilee was adopted from an animal shelter in Texas and went to live with her new owner. But it turned out, Jubilee’s first owner wasn’t quite the right fit for her. The pup had some anxiety issues, and she was very clingy. And so, the owner decided to bring the pup back to the shelter.

An article was shared on Facebook that said Jubilee’s gave her up because she was too affectionate. The article quickly went viral—many people were upset with the owner for giving up the dog simply because she loved him.

Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook
Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook

After the article went viral, Minda Emas Harris, the rescue coordinator for the Montgomery County Animal Shelter, said that there were more reasons why Jubilee’s owner surrendered her.

“He had a whole list of other reasons for turning her in: ate his sofa, chewed a baseboard, a cushion, etc.,” Minda Emas Harris said to HuffPost. “He brought her to a shelter, hoping we would do what we are supposed to do — find her a home. “

Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook
Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook

Since Jubilee’s story had gone viral, it didn’t take long for her to find a new forever home with owners who knew how to help an anxious dog.

Jubilee’s new owner, Samantha Fewox, already had another pup named Abby. Abby and Jubilee got along well, and Fewox gave the sweet pup all the love and care she deserved. She also hired a trainer to help with Jubilee’s anxiety.

“It touched me. She loved so much,” Samantha Fewox said. “I knew I was supposed to have her.”

Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook
Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook

Many other people also came to the shelter after seeing Jubilee’s story. When they learned Jubilee had already been adopted, they ended up taking home other pups in need!

Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook
Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook

Fewox says that she’s grateful that Jubilee’s first owner gave the pup up, since doing that brought Jubilee into her life.

“I am so thankful he made the decision to do that or we would not have this sweet little dog in our life,” she said.

Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook
Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook

Jubilee has now lived with Fewox for four years, and she’s doing great!

The sweet dog loves her mom and her dog sister. She’s also very close with Fewox’s teenage son—the pup always loves cuddling with her human brother! In the end, Jubilee has ended up right where she belongs.

Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook
Jubilee the Rescue Dog via Facebook

Jubilee is a sweet dog who loves her humans more than anything in the world. If you want to see more cute photos of Jubilee, check out her Facebook page.

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