We all know a person that talks too much. They can get on your nerves and distract you from what you are trying to do! What happens when you have a pup who is the same way? Well, this Malamute loves to talk, even to strangers!

Sherpa is a Malamute who loves to hang out with his owner.

Going on walks is always a dogs favorite part of the day. Walking around, smelling things, peeing on other things, what could be better? This Malamute does something a little different; he talks to people!
Whenever Sherpa goes for walks with his owner, he is always talking to the people around him!

Who knew a dog could be so talkative? Obviously, he isn’t speaking in English, but he is talking in his own unique way. Dogs have their own methods of communication that they will often use!
More than just a funny event, Huskies and Malamute breeds love to talk.

Often, we know “wolf-looking” dogs like to howl, especially if we live near one. What many people don’t realize is that Malamutes love to communicate by “talking.” They will often talk back to their owners or other people and animals that they encounter.
Barking less than other breeds, they make up for it with vocalization.

Huskies are even known as “the talkative breed” because of the different sounds and noises they can make. One of their favorite things to do is to talk to babies. You can see videos all over the internet of Huskies and babies having their own special conversations.
Why do they talk so much?

Dog Breeds List goes into detail about why Huskies love to talk. They say:
It is a form of communication. In a pack, howling and whining are the most common ways of communicating. They also need to communicate when they are working. Further, they tell humans their needs and feelings when they “talk”.
Even more than that, they go into detail about the various specific reasons a Husky may talk. If you have one, check it out!
Sherpa lets anyone he can know how he is doing.

While we can’t understand what Sherpa is saying, we know he is communicating! As he and his owner get onto the subway, he lets a little rumbly coo out, saying hello to everyone on it. People on the subway definitely laugh at the cute dog.
His owner puts captions over the “talking,” so we can pretend to know what he is saying!

It is quite funny to see the captions that he places over the dog’s musings. From “Merry Christmas” to “Hellooo hooomans,” this is one talkative pup.
The two decide to go get a snack!
As the two get off the subway and arrive at a roadside vendor, Sherpa waits as his owner gets some food. He looks over the counter like, “what am I going to eat?!?” Thankfully, the worker is generous and gives him his very own ice-cream cone!
It is obvious that Sherpa knows what is going on a lot of the time.

Right when one of the cashiers says that Sherpa can have a snack, he goes crazy! His tail wags, and he is super happy.
One of the funniest scenes is in the cafe.

Once they decide to go to a cafe, Sherpa really lets those vocal cords flap! As they walk in, Sherpa can’t help but say hello to every single person that he encounters! He is just trying to be friendly.
Check out the full video below!
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