Woman shares photos of her massive Maine Coon cat and millions are in love
OMG...he's huge! 😻
Jake Manning

Let’s introduce you to Lotus, a Maine Coon cat whose size is nothing short of astonishing.

Imagine a feline friend as big as a child, and you’ve got Lotus.

This breed, known for being the largest domestic cats around, usually continues to grow until they’re about four years old.

Typically, males can weigh between 15 to 25 pounds and stretch up to 40 inches long, with females not far behind in size.


Lotus himself is a prime example of his breed’s impressive stature.

At three years old, he tips the scales at a massive 22 pounds.

His fluffy appearance only adds to his majestic presence, making him a sight to behold.

Home for Lotus is in Sweden, where he enjoys the simple pleasures of life, like lounging around the house and indulging in long naps.

He’s particularly fond of snuggling with his human sister, with whom he shares a remarkable size similarity.

Their bond is a testament to the gentle giant’s loving nature.


Beyond the comforts of his home, Lotus has a keen interest in exploring the great outdoors.

His thick, fluffy coat serves as the perfect insulation against the chilly Scandinavian winters, blending seamlessly with the snowy landscape.

His adventurous spirit is matched by his calm and gentle demeanor, as he describes himself with a light, small voice, expressing a love for his family and a curiosity for nature.


Lotus’s personality shines through his actions, especially when faced with the unknown.

His inquisitive nature was on full display when a new washing machine arrived at home.

The sight of the unfamiliar appliance, with its mysterious movements, initially startled him, but his cautious curiosity quickly took over.

When he’s not embarking on outdoor adventures or cautiously inspecting new household items, Lotus enjoys participating in kitchen activities.

He likes to oversee his mom’s cooking, ensuring she prepares dishes to his liking, showcasing his playful and engaging side.


Lotus doesn’t reign over his domain alone; he shares it with two other feline companions, Lady Marion and Chivaz.

Despite their shared lineage, Lotus stands out for his sheer size, dwarfing his siblings and highlighting the remarkable diversity within the Maine Coon breed.


His striking appearance and charismatic personality have not gone unnoticed.

Lotus’s Instagram account is a treasure trove of stunning photographs that capture his essence, from his mythical beast-like appearance to his photogenic poses in the great outdoors.

With over 190,000 followers and counting, Lotus has become an internet sensation, beloved by fans around the globe.


Lotus embodies the unique charm and majestic beauty of Maine Coon cats, making him a true marvel in the feline world.

His story and the captivating images shared by his family continue to enchant and inspire, showcasing the deep bond between humans and their animal companions.

For those enchanted by Lotus’s story, a visit to his Instagram page promises a glimpse into the life of this extraordinary cat.

What an incredible cat, see more of him below!

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