Grieving loyal dog refuses to leave owner's side on the day of her funeral
“He circled the hearse before hopping aboard as if to say, ‘I want to go and say goodbye to my mom,’” the funeral home spokesperson said. “A tremendous example of loyalty.”
Michael Dabu

Dogs are one of the most (if not the most) loyal creatures on Earth. You show them love and they will surely reciprocate it ten times more. They wouldn’t leave your side from day 1 up to the last day of your existence.

Pexels - Stephen Andrews
Pexels - Stephen Andrews

These four-legged animals will never ever turn their back on you, even if you no longer have anything to offer them.

Ultimately, a dog is a man’s bestfriend who will stick up to the very end.

Get your tissues ready because this one will definitely pinch your heart.

Maria Isabel Benites Chamba from Ecuador passed away at 95 years old and her passing broke her family and friends’ hearts into smithereens. One of them was Bumer, her loyal furry friend.

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Facebook - Funeraria y Sala de Velaciones

Maria Isabel’s grieving family took Funeraria Santa Rosa’s services. During her wake, Bumer was still beside his beloved human, didn’t leave her side just like what he’d done for all those times when Maria Isabel was still alive.

The dog’s loyalty wasn’t left unnoticed, everyone was deeply touched by how Bumer stayed by his owner’s side even if she was no longer physically present.

An unimaginably genuine friendship.

That’s what you’d clearly see, what Bumer and Maria Isabel had, a friendship so true that not even death could break.

“You could see the loyalty and affection that existed between her and her dog,” a spokesperson of the funeral home said. “He was always there with his owner.”

On the day of Maria Isabel’s burial, everyone dear to her heart assembled in a procession to accompany her in her final moments. Of course, there was no way Bumer would be left behind.

“He circled the hearse before hopping aboard as if to say, ‘I want to go and say goodbye to my mom,’” the funeral home spokesperson said. “A tremendous example of loyalty.”

Although there was no telling if Bumer knew exactly what was happening, there was still no question about his loyalty. Just like everybody else, the poor dog was also grieving and equally heartbroken.

Maria Isabel was loved by many and she’s undoubtedly lucky to have a loving family, friends, and an animal companion like Bumer.

According to Funeral Santa Rosa, Maria Isabel’s family would most likely take Bumer under their care.

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Facebook - Funeraria y Sala de Velaciones

Bumer was not just a pet but a family member, with what he had shown to everyone, Maria Isabel’s family would wholeheartedly embrace him. Ultimately, they’d treat the dog the way Maria Isabel treated him – with utmost love and care.

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Facebook - Funeraria y Sala de Velaciones

She may be physically gone but Bumer would surely continue to remember that there was a person who gave her unconditional love.

We, humans, are lucky to have dogs in our lives. We don’t just get a pet or a guard of our homes, we get a very special companion and a loyal friend that will love us from day 1 up to our last moments on Earth.

Dogs are without a doubt wonderful creatures. If they are man’s best friend, then we, humans, should be the same to them.

Watch the video below to know more about this beautiful story of friendship between Maria Isabel and Bumer.

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