Lost dog reports himself as ‘missing’ at local police station
Chico isn't your ordinary dog.
Michael Dabu

In a surprising turn of events in Odessa, Texas, a dog named Chico took matters into his own paws by walking into the local police station to report himself missing.

This unexpected visit caught everyone off guard, especially the officers who found themselves with an unusual visitor on their hands.

Chico’s unplanned adventure quickly became the talk of the town and soon, the internet.

The story of a dog strolling into a police station was too amusing to stay local for long.

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Facebook - Jolina Okazaki

When Chico strolled into the Odessa police station, he appeared to be in good spirits, showing no signs of distress.

The friendly dog eagerly interacted with the officers, who were more than happy to welcome their four-legged guest.

His demeanor was so charming and engaging that it was impossible not to be captivated by his unexpected appearance.

It was clear Chico was enjoying his spontaneous adventure.

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Facebook - Jolina Okazaki

Despite having a collar, Chico lacked identification tags, making it difficult for the officers to figure out where he belonged.

This minor complication did not dampen Chico’s spirits or the officers’ enthusiasm.

They decided to make the best of the situation, turning the lobby into an impromptu playground for their new furry friend.

Chico seemed to enjoy every moment of his unexpected stay.

Facebook - Jolina Okazaki
Facebook - Jolina Okazaki

The officers entertained Chico by playing with a tennis ball, transforming the usually serious atmosphere of the police station into a lively and joyful scene.

The sight of Chico chasing the ball around the lobby brought smiles to everyone’s faces, creating a memorable and heartwarming experience for both the officers and their canine visitor.

It was a much-needed break from their routine duties.

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Facebook - Jolina Okazaki

Seizing the moment, the police department posted pictures and humorous comments about Chico on their Facebook page.

They jokingly suggested that Chico might be applying for a K-9 position, a playful nod to his unexpected arrival and enthusiastic interactions with the officers.

The posts quickly garnered attention, with the community enjoying the lighthearted content.

Chico’s antics were a hit on social media.

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Facebook - Jolina Okazaki

After spending some time at the station, Chico decided it was time to move on.

Demonstrating his resourcefulness, he let himself out of the station just as easily as he had entered.

His departure was as unexpected as his arrival, leaving the officers amused and a bit puzzled about his next move.

Chico had made quite an impression during his brief visit.

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Facebook - Jolina Okazaki

Unbeknownst to his owner, Edward Alvarado, Chico made his way back home safely.

Edward had no idea that Chico had been on such an adventure until he saw his dog’s photos on the police department’s Facebook page.

The surprise was immense, but Edward was relieved to know that Chico was safe and sound after his escapade.

It was a story he wouldn’t soon forget.

Facebook - Jolina Okazaki
Facebook - Jolina Okazaki

The story of Chico’s visit to the police station quickly spread on social media, turning him into an overnight celebrity.

His playful antics and the humorous posts from the police department captured the hearts of many, making Chico’s adventure a feel-good story that resonated with people far and wide.

Chico had unknowingly brought joy to many people with his impromptu visit.

Facebook - Jolina Okazaki
Facebook - Jolina Okazaki

Chico’s unexpected visit to the Odessa police station not only highlighted the dog’s adventurous spirit but also brought a touch of joy and humor to the community.

Edward Alvarado’s relief at finding his dog safe, coupled with the officers’ fond memories of their furry visitor, made for a story that was as heartwarming as it was entertaining.

To learn more about Chico’s adventure watch the video below.

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