Little pup melts hearts reuniting with family after being missing for over 5 years
After five long years, a miracle happened.
Ma Fatima Garcia

We have seen films about pet dogs getting lost and finding their way home again.

Surely, these films have made you cry, but did you know that these scenarios can happen in real life?

When a pet dog gets lost, the one thing that you shouldn’t do is give up.

Pexels / Alessandro Ceracchi
Pexels / Alessandro Ceracchi

Because somewhere out there, your dog is trying its best to find you.

After over five years, a family got reunited with their missing pet dog.

Brian Gilpatrick, from Rayton, Missouri, adopted a Jack Russell Terrier mix puppy in 2017.

Pexels / Lisa Fotios
Pexels / Lisa Fotios

He named him Little Buddy.

Little Buddy was playful, healthy, and sweet. The puppy loved his family. Brian, along with his whole family, adored the little Jack Russell Terrier mix with all their hearts.

Unfortunately, Brian and his family learned a hard lesson one day.

Brian noticed that his energetic pup was nowhere to be seen, and they realized Little Buddy was missing.

“It’s been so long,” Gilpatrick recalled. “We must not have secured the doggie door good enough.”

YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9
YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9

For days, even months, Brian and his family tried to find Little Buddy. The puppy was microchipped, so they hoped that someone might have seen him.

They had put up posters, drove daily, and asked around to see if anyone had seen their puppy.

Maybe, just maybe, they would return Little Buddy to them.

YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9
YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9

Days, months, and years passed, and they never found Little Buddy. They thought they lost their dog for good.

Fast forward after over five long years, Raytown animal control rescued a stray dog and brought him to the Midwest Animal Rescue center.

After cleaning him, they checked if he was microchipped, and he was.

YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9
YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9

There, they found the dog’s owners, and they were all shocked to find out that the stray they had rescued had been missing for more than five years.

According to the woman who found him, he looks like before he was a stray; he was well-cared for.

This backed up the theory that five years ago, someone might have stolen Little Buddy.

YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9
YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9

Brain hugged and kissed Little Buddy, commenting on how old he has been since the last time they met.

He also said that now, his collar has a built-in GPS tracker.

“How he got off this far, is beyond us. Just wouldn’t have expected that after this many years, that that microchip would lead to Little Buddy coming home,” Brian said.

YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9
YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9

This story, according to the animal shelter, may serve as a reminder to every pet owner.

It’s important to have your pets microchipped because it is what made this reunion and so many more like it possible.

“Just never would have expected after this many years that that microchip would lead to Little Buddy coming home,” Gilpatrick said in his interview with KMBC 9.

YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9
YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9

It’s true, no matter how long, it’s possible to get reunited with a lost pet.

No matter how much time had passed, Little Buddy never forgot about Brian. He gave his fur-dad so many kisses when they met.

YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9
YouTube Screenshot / KMBC9

As long as you think of them, and as long as you don’t give up, somehow, someway, they might find their way back home.

Watch the beautiful reunion of Little Buddy and Brian below.

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