Nine-year-old Brady Snakovsky has always dreamed of being a police officer. Brady wants to keep his community safe more than anything in the world. Brady also loves dogs, and he can’t wait to have his own K9 partner.

One day, Brady and his mom were watching Live PD on TV. Brady noticed that the officers wore ballistic vests, but their K9 partners were completely unprotected.
Brady was upset about the fact that these pups didn’t have protection. After doing some research, Brady and his mom learned that most K9 units were self-funded. They simply didn’t have the money to buy a $1,200 ballistic vest for each of their K9 officers.

Brady decided he wanted to do something to help these dogs and their human partners. With his mom’s help, he started Brady’s K9 Fund.
“I want to be a police officer because I want to keep people safe,” Brady told Fox 8 Cleveland. “Because it’s really important for these dogs that save people lives for them to be safe too.”

Brady and his mom shared their story on GoFundMe, and the campaign quickly began trending. Everyone was amazed by Brady’s selflessness.
Brady has raised over $80,000 through his GoFundMe campaign and his website. He has bought ballistic vests for 79 K9 dogs throughout the United States.

The dogs’ human partners are so glad that their K9 dogs have the protection they need to stay safe.
“Makes me feel great knowing that not only is he protecting me but I’m also protecting him and it’s a great partnership and a relationship,” said Trooper Jim Baker.

On his GoFundMe, Brady shares some of the stories of the pups who have gotten vests through his charity. One of these dogs in Mackey, a German Shepherd from the West Windsor Police Department in New Jersey. The pup loves his new vest!

The company that makes the ballistic vests were also touched by Brady’s story. They decided to sell Brady the vests at a discounted rate of $950 each.

Brady has also gotten the chance to personally give the vests to many of the K9 officers working in his hometown, Cleveland. Brady was so excited to meet real-life police officers and K9 dogs.
“Brady is an introvert, but he’s really come out of his shell,” Brady’s mom Leah told Medium. “At school, his teacher shared his story, and I had moms reach out that their children went home and wanted to donate.

Brady has done an incredible job at keeping K9s throughout the country safe while they’re at work! If you want to more about Brady and his charity, check out his website.
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