Leopard Tries To Attack Dog During Safari
Don't underestimate a dog.
Cedric Jackson

Most of us think of dogs as peaceful and gentle animals. We know they can be aggressive if they have to be, but for the most part, they are lovers and not fighters. One dog was trying to show off her loving and calm personality when she found herself in the middle of a fight she wasn’t expecting.

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A young dog was trying to get some attention from a group of people on Safari when a leopard decided to attack her.

The park visitors noticed the leopard stalking the dog behind the bushes. They decided to stick around and watch to see what happened. They hoped the little dog would be okay and that the leopard wouldn’t hurt it.

The dog didn’t seem interested in fighting with the leopard. It was more interested in the people on tour. When the leopard attacked, the dog fought back though. He started barking continuously to warn the leopard not to come any closer.

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The leopard doesn’t know what to think of the barking.

She gets up and stares at the dog. The dog continues to bark, and the leopard looks on in disbelief. It’s almost like she set off an alarm and is trying to figure out how to shut it off.

The dog doesn’t even have to fight her back. She is scared off by the barking alone. Eventually, the dog barks so much that the leopard tucks its tail between its legs and heads off into the bushes.

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The people watching can’t believe their eyes.

A forest official who saw the entire ordeal said,

“Juliet left quietly as there were visitors in jeeps behind the dog. If not, it is unlikely that the dog would have survived the encounter.”

While the forest officials seem to think the leopard was doing the right thing and didn’t want to hurt the dog, others believe it was genuinely afraid of the dog or at the very least, annoyed by its bark.

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The encounter took place at the Jhalana Safari Park near Jaipur, Rajasthan in India.

This park is a popular place for tourists. People come from all over the world to see the wildlife and the beautiful scenery. Leopards are just one of the big predators that tourists can see while on safari there.

According to Trip Advisor,

“Jhalana Safari Park is the best place to Witness and Leopards and many other Wild Animals. It’s a fantastic place away from the City. Enjoy a day from the hustle bustle and evidence the wildlife. You can see Leopards, Hyena, Blue Bull, Deer, Peacocks, Monkeys, and many other creatures. Come and explore the Hidden wildlife area of Jaipur.”

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It may also be one of the best places to see a fight between a stray dog and a leopard.

While these tourists were relieved that the leopard left the dog lone and retreated into the jungle, they were also curious about who would win such a fight.

Leopards are fierce hunters that can take down prey twice their size. They could easily take down a small dog if they wanted.

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This dog’s crazy bark may have saved its life.

According to National Geographic,

The leopard is so strong and comfortable in trees that it often hauls its kills into the branches. By dragging the bodies of large animals aloft, it hopes to keep them safe from scavengers such as hyenas. Leopards can hunt from trees as well where their spotted coats allow them to blend with the leaves until they spring with a deadly pounce. These nocturnal predators also stalk antelope, deer, and pigs by making stealthy movements in the tall grass. When human settlements are present, leopards often attack dogs and, occasionally, people.

It looks like the dog and the people should all be glad that this leopard wasn’t in the mood for hunting. These amazing animals should be observed from a distance but left alone in the wild.

Watch their encounter in the video below.

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