Animals are loving and compassionate beings. They can sense when someone needs help, and they are always there to provide support. When these dogs discovered a little lamb who was desperate for love, they warmly took him in. These animals became a unique family that has taken the internet by storm.

Jerry the lamb was born on a farm, but his life was anything but easy. His mother immediately rejecting him, favoring his bigger and healthier brothers and sisters. Without his mother’s milk, this lamb would need to be bottle fed if he were going to survive.

Unfortunately, the farmer who owned Jerry thought it simply wasn’t worth the effort.

“He would never get big enough to be ‘worth it’ [for the farmer],” explained Megan Mostacci, cofounder of Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary, to The Dodo.

Luckily for this little lamb, Megan decided to take him in. The sanctuary was a place where Jerry could grow stronger and learn to love life with his fellow animals. Megan and her husband had taken in many animals in need, beginning with a baby goat who had been only a few days old when she found him one Easter.

Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary is a pure blessing for dozens of animals like Jerry. According to its website, the organization “aims to provide a permanent home for farm animals in need.”

Aside from helping the animals themselves, the sanctuary is on a mission “to raise awareness on how livestock are treated as a whole across this country. We want everyone to see them as we do – intelligent, caring, individual, and sentient.”
Before heading to his new home, Megan took Jerry to the vet. This poor lamb had been neglected by his mother and the farmer, so he needed medical attention badly. “We got him and soon realized he also had a bad respiratory infection and a septic infection in all his joints,” the woman recalled.

Once Jerry had his medication, it was time for him to head home. The lamb made friends from the moment he arrived at the sanctuary. He met two dogs whom he absolutely adored: Drake, a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever, and Lincoln, an Australian shepherd.

These dogs were all about Jerry. Drake in particular formed a special bond with the sweet lamb. “He was cleaning him, cuddling with him … just being there with him,” Megan said.

Jerry had found his new best friend. He spent every minute he could with Drake. Even when the lamb was finally strong enough to play with the other farm animals, he missed his canine companion.

Megan was astounded one day when she left the room and returned moments later to see the most adorable scene. “I left for a couple minutes and came back to this,” she shared on Instagram.

Jerrry was laying on top of Drake! This is what most lambs do with their mothers, so it was obvious to Megan how in love this lamb was with the big fluffy dog.

Over time, Jerry inspired other animals to snuggle up on the couch. Soon Drake had become a full time cuddler, and he was loving it.

Within a few weeks, the lamb was well on his way to recovery, and he had made friends with all the animals in the sanctuary. He spread joy wherever he went. Just seeing Jerry’s adorable face is enough to brighten anyone’s day.

Unfortunately, Jerry has recently passed away. Though the lamb is no longer with us, his legacy lives on. Megan is continuing to care for animals in need of help, and thanks to Jerry she knows how valuable her dogs are to these animals’ transitions.

If you would like to make a donation to Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary in memory of Jerry, click here.

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Source: The Dodo