Lili Grace and her family came to regard the koala that lived in the backyard as their neighbor.
It all began when a cute little koala bear kept on popping up in Lili Grace’s backyard.

At first, the koala bear would just sit in some of the trees, looking at Lili and her family. So they started to give the creature treats and water. Over time, he became more social.
Luckily, when the koala bear really started to trust Lili, she was able to catch the entire thing on camera.
The koala slowly climbed down from the tree. This was a big deal, as he had always stuck to trees while Lili and her family were in the yard, until now.

The koala walked across their deck and started taking sips out of his water bowl.
Then the koala became interested in the pool. He sat next to it and started touching the surface curiously.

Then Lili decided to swim into the pool and see if the koala would remain in his place.
The koala noticed Lili slowly wading over. He remained in place, interested to see his human friend up close.
Lili managed to get right up close to the koala. She reached out her hand, and he sipped the water from her hand (the pool water was safe to drink.)

Then Lili and the koala looked into each other’s eyes. They really seemed to be bonding with one another.
Next, Lili got out of the pool and walked up near the koala. The koala still wasn’t scared and kept on staring at Lili.
After that, Lili got closer to the koala. She leaned down to give the koala a kiss. Amazingly, the koala also pushed forward to kiss Lili back.

Then the koala let Lili pet his head gently.
Still, the koala remained at the same spot. He even leaned down and brushed his head against her hand, wanting more petting.
Instead, Lili started rubbing and scratching his cheek gently.

Eventually, it was time for the koala to get some sleep. He slowly climbed to another tree in Lili’s yard.
Shortly after this event, Lili uploaded the video to YouTube. It soon went viral.
To date, it has almost managed to gain 7 million views. It also has over 163,000 likes.
Videos like this show why it’s so important for humans to protect koalas.

They’re amazing, friendly creatures. They just want to live in peace. But unfortunately, the Australian bushfires have devastated their populations.
In fact, official estimates say that over 25,000 koalas have died in the bushfires, meaning that koalas may become functionally extinct.
Luckily, there are many stories of people who have been doing all that they can to rescue koalas from the fires. Hopefully, there will be many efforts to rehabilitate the koalas once the flames die down.

Some people might think that the cause of the koala deaths has nothing to do with humanity. But that is completely wrong.
In fact, many scientists agree that the reason why the current bushfires are so devastating is for one reason: climate change. When you watch the cute koala in Lili Grace’s video and realize that his life may be in danger, it’s hard to believe that anyone would want to do nothing to combat climate change.
Watch the cuteness unfold in the precious video below.
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