Stray Bonded Kitten Recovers With Help of Brother's Love
These little kittens were found wandering the streets with no Mom. Princess Leia was so small and malnourished her fur was coming out in patches. Luckily, her brother Chewy was there to nurse her back to health with his love. <3
Britanie Leclair

Having a sibling is something special. No matter how much they annoy you, at the end of the day, they’re the only one who knows where you come from and who you really are. Siblings share early memories that no one else will ever be able to experience. Sometimes these things are good, other times they are tragic. Luckily, however, in any case, you always have your sibling to see you through.

Lasy year, a litter of five tiny kittens was found wandering the sweltering streets of California. The little bunch was all alone, and there was no Mama in sight. Rescue workers immediately scooped them up and sent them to the Peoples Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Lynnwood, Washington branch.


When the kittens arrived in Washington, they were placed with an experienced foster mother named Ashley, who goes by @youngestoldcatlady on Instagram. By all accounts, the kittens were completely filthy and covered in fleas when their new foster mom arrived to pick them up.

Ashley immediately got to giving all five kittens a much-needed flea bath. After a few rounds of these baths, the fluffy bunch was finally free of their fleas. Still, however, they needed to eat and grow— especially the one kitten named Princess Leia.


Leia was smaller and weaker than her other four siblings. She was so malnourished that her beautiful grey fur was falling out in patches and chunks, but with Ashley’s tender loving care, she was quickly on the road to recovery.

From the moment the kittens arrived at the foster home, Ashley noticed that Princess Leia shared a particularly strong bond with her brother Chewbacca (or Chewy, for short).


The two loved to cuddle and groom each other, spending their days huddled in an adorable furry bunch.


Whenever Leia was sad or needed comfort, Chewy was right by her side, smothering her in kitten hugs and affectionate kisses. Soon, with his love, Leia caught up with her siblings. Then all the kittens were ready to be adopted out.


Chewy and Leia’s three siblings were adopted first, and the bonded pair were the only ones left. Luckily, to Ashley’s joy and surprise, the kittens found a loving furever home that was willing to take them both.


Now, the two kittens, renamed Kiki and Mochi, are having the time of their lives. After a rough beginning, they each have the perfect, loving home— and their beloved sibling right beside them.


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