In December 2018, a woman living in a Chicago suburb walked onto her porch and found a box sitting there. She opened it, and she was shocked to see an abandoned kitten sitting inside.
The kitten was dirty and had a wound on his neck, and he also had unusually big eyes.

The woman rushed the kitten over to her local veterinary clinic. The veterinarian there, Elise Hall, took one look into the kitten’s big, glassy eyes and immediately fell in love. Elise decided to adopt the little kitten herself. She named him Porg after the big-eyed creatures in ‘Star Wars.’
“He was so unusual and I just adored his feisty spirit – I believe I described him as 1.3 pounds of eyeballs and sass,” Elise wrote on Bored Panda. “So when it was suggested that I foster him until he was healthy and oversee his recovery, how could I say no!? He, of course, came home with me that day and he became a permanent member of our family.”

During Porg’s first few days at home, Elise noticed that when the cat scratched or groomed himself, he would get tears in his skin. After doing a few tests, she realized he had a genetic condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome causes cats to have loose, fragile skin that tears easily.
Porg also has lens luxation, which is often linked with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. This condition is the reason why Porg has such big, glassy eyes. Elise gives Porg eyedrops every day, which prevents any discomfort.

Elise is working on different ways to keep Porg’s fragile skin healthy. She has found that putting Porg in sweaters helps protect his skin. Luckily, Porg doesn’t mind wearing the sweaters, and he looks adorable in them!

Porg doesn’t realize that anything is wrong with him. The sweet cat has a big personality and loves life!
Porg loves treats more than anything else. He comes running anytime he smells food. He also loves trying new types of food.
Porg is also a big fan of cuddling, and he loves curling up in Elise’s lap and taking naps. He also has the most adorable purr—it makes Elise’s heart melt every time she hears it.

Elise also owns two big dogs. But even though the dogs are three times the size of Porg, Porg still manages to boss them around!
“Here’s me as a tiny nugget, with my canine siblings! I like to boss them around,” Elise wrote on Instagram.

Elise hopes that Porg’s story will inspire others to adopt special needs animals.
“We are so lucky to be able to share his unique and adorable journey with the world. Porg hopes to inspire others to open their hearts to special needs animals!” Elise said.

Porg is an adorable kitten who has found a great place to call home! If you’d like to learn more about Porg, check out his Instagram page.
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