Ever gotten tired at the worst possible time? Like right before a big interview or in the middle of a date? It’s happened to the best of us, and it’s a problem that our furry friends sometimes have to deal with too.
A super sweet puppy was getting ready for his swearing-in ceremony at the Bristol, Rhode Island Police Department when he slipped into a little nap and ended up sleeping through the whole thing!
Fortunately for us, the whole thing was streamed live on Facebook for followers of the police department to enjoy.

The story all began with Officer Keith Medeiros, who was encouraged by the department’s Chief of Police, Kevin Lynch, to start up a new K-9 unit.
Office Medeiros started researching different dogs, including bomb detecting dogs and those that were trained to track down narcotics, but then his research led him to a different kind of K-9: therapy dogs.
Therapy or comfort dogs can be taken to schools, senior centers, veteran homes, and other locations around the community, bringing comfort and joy wherever they go.

Officer Medeiros decided that a therapy could do a lot of good at his department, so reached out to Boonefield Labradors over in New Hampshire. The owners, Peggi and David Brogan, breed Labradors and donate some of them to police forces around New England.
That’s where Officer Medeiros found Brody, who was named by fusing together the words ‘Bristol’ and ‘Rhode Island’.
Medeiros has big plans for Brody and hopes that he can play a big role in the local community, but due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, he says that most of Brody’s time is spent staying indoors and sleeping. And that’s exactly what the little pup did during his big event.

Bright and early on the morning of April 6, the police department organized a special ceremony to welcome Brody into the force before his official training begins.
Officer Medeiros prepared a speech and a short Q&A session was held with viewers on Facebook, but Brody just couldn’t quite keep his little eyes open.
He dozed off right at the start and slept through the whole thing, even when Officer Medeiros lifted him up and held him in his arms for all to see. Luckily, everyone was able to see the funny side, and Brody’s snoozing actually helped the clip go viral, with over 300,000 views already.

We hope Brody enjoyed his extended nap, because the hard work starts here! In the next few weeks, Brody will start his formal K-9 training, being taken around to various locations, introduced to other officers, and meeting lots of new people to get him used to socializing and interacting with folks of all ages.
If he can pass his exams when training ends, he’ll be an officially certified comfort and therapy dog, and we wish him a lot of luck!
If you’d like to keep up with Brody’s progress, be sure to follow his Instagram account and don’t forget to watch the adorable swearing-in snooze down below.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
K9 Brody Swearing in Ceremony 4/6/2020
Posted by Bristol, R.I. Police Department on Monday, 6 April 2020