Jaguar Leaps On Tiny Dog
These two have a very interesting relationship!
Ashley Fike

True friendship is something that can never be replaced. It’s a bond that can transcend all boundaries. Friendship, a special kind of love, doesn’t care about race, religion, or gender. Or in this case — species.

Seeing cute animals play with one another is one of life’s greatest joys. Who doesn’t like cute things? It’s even better when those two animals are completely different species. You might have seen a precious dog and cat friendship, or maybe a dog with a pig BFF, or even a cat and a bird duo. Adorable, right?


But this animal odd-couple is sure to catch you completely off-guard. It’s not every day that you’d witness a domestic dog playing with a giant wild jungle cat. Well, get ready, because that’s about to change.

You might think leaving a tiny dog alone with a jaguar would be a tragic and fatal decision — but for these two? They’re best friends!


Bullet is a Jack Russell Terrier, and Jag is, well, a jaguar. They play, eat, and sleep together all day, every day. They are attached at the hip 24 hours a day — completely inseparable. So, how did these two end up becoming best friends?

Jag arrived at the Akwaaba Lodge in South Africa when he was very young. We’re not sure if he was abandoned by his mother, lost, or injured, but he needed help, and he needed company.


The facility owner, Layla, says that the jaguar craved her attention and love. She couldn’t give him as much as he needed, so she had an idea — her dog would be the perfect companion.


Some people might think this would be a totally crazy idea, but Laya seemed to have a lot of confidence in these two species getting along just fine. Apparently, they are as close as brothers.

“Every night Jag needed comfort so he took me in as a mom. And as I could not let him sleep with me all the time, I put Bullet with him,” Layla says.

“These two struck it off straight away. They don’t leave each other alone, they feed together, sleep together, do everything together. They are like brothers.”


Their adorable friendship in the video below is a lesson for us all if a dog and a jaguar can get along so well, why can’t we?

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