Injured swan reunites with his soulmate and ‘beautiful’ moment melts hearts
They were so happy to be together again.
Elijah Chan

It was something right out of the movie screens.

Remember those scenes when two lovers reunite after being apart for a long time?

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These emotional reunions are filled with tight hugs and sweet kisses that can definitely make anyone swoon in delight.

But what if this is done by animals? It may sound strange, but in Canada, it was a scene that stole everyone’s hearts.

It all started with a painful event.

On April 1, a volunteer from the Toronto Wildlife Center spotted something alarming. One of the trumpeter swans in Bluffer’s Park has bloodied feathers.

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The swan was just floating on the shore edge and had its head tucked into his injured wings.

The volunteer and other staff members scooped the poor swan out of the water and took it to the closest medical facility.

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It wasn’t the swan’s first tango with a bloody situation. Just last December, the swan also got an injury when its beak and tongue were wrapped tightly by a fishing line.

Thankfully, its most recent injury isn’t life-threatening.

After his wounds were cleaned and treated, he was kept in the facility to recover. After a few days, they saw that the swan was recovering well.

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The swan was then returned to the area where they expected the swan to recover fully. But none of them was ready for what happens next.

From the distance, the team saw a swan waddling towards the injured one.

Then, when it came close enough, the injured swan began flapping its wings, stomping its feet, and shaking its chest.

Just when we thought animals couldn’t remember anything or feel love, here we are, watching two swans rushing toward one another like long-lost lovers.

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The swans trumpeted in a gleeful tone. They didn’t even fly away. They just stood there crying and flapping their wings as if the injured one was apologizing for being gone for so long. This time, however, they can resume their lives as a couple.

Swans are one of the few animals that mate for life.

Unlike other animals like lions and other bullish males that are surrounded by females, swans choose one they will spend the rest of their lives with.

There are only a few times that a swan finds a new partner.

One reason is a nest failure and another is if its partner passes away.

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No wonder they became the “poster animals” for marriage with their necks and beaks forming a heart.

People all over the internet also loved this magical reunion.

“The animals that mate for life are so amazing to me. I’m glad they also stated they have feelings and emotions.” Shared one commenter, “I hate when people claim animals cannot feel anything emotionally.”

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YouTube Screenshot - Global News

“Trumpeter Swans are absolutely stunning birds & they are deeply committed to their partner. The lifesaving rescue of one swan actually saved both of their lives! God bless our heroes!” praised another.

Watch how two lover swans reacted when they saw each other again in the video below!

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