Aside from evolution, man has stepped in and tried to create new species by cross breeding two existing ones to produce unique looking animals. Some are disappointing while others seem to have the potential to make it in the wild.
Check out this list of some of these hybrids that have been known to walk this planet. We’ve come a long way from dinosaurs so who knows what’s next?
Wallaroo (Kangaroo and Wallaby hybrid)
A Wallaroo is a hybrid between a kangaroo and a wallaby. It usually falls in size between the two parent species and may exhibit a combination of their physical traits.
When a female tiger and a male lion meet, the result is a Liger. They are larger than either parent but this plays a role in health problems, including heart disease. A Liger won’t live as long as tigers and lions. The body’s organs are too small for that massive frame.
A crossbreed of zebra and a donkey, this breed is the rarest. A donkey and zebra are similar when it comes to genetics, but a zonkey will be born with dwarfism.
Grolar Bear
It’s a cross between a polar bear and a grizzly. Polar and grizzly bears often avoid each other, but the melting of ice in the south means these two bears species’ habitats have converged in recent years.
Here’s a crossbreed of a horse and a zebra. Horses have a different number of chromosomes to zebras, so crossbreeds often exhibit dwarfism. There are rare features, like the sudden appearance of spotted patterns in their coats.
Savannah Cat
This is a crossbreed of an African wild cat called the serval and a domestic cat. Savannah cats can be domesticated. They were famous in the 90s, and was only registered as a new breed in the early millennium. The Savannah cat does not have any health issues.
This is Kawili Kai, a crossbreed of wholphin and dolphin. Kali’s mother, Kekaimalu, was the only wholphin, which is a crossbreed of dolphins and a false killer whale. A false killer whale is actually a breed of dolphin, one of the rarest animals. Kekaimalu was the only wholphin born in the world.
A Tigon is the offspring of a male tiger mating with a female lion, as compared to a Liger being born from a female tiger and a male lion. Tigons don’t grow as big as a Liger but they won’t have health issues like dwarfism.
A Jaglion is a crossbreed of a lioness and jaguar. This Jaglion pictured is Jazeera. Her brother, Tsunami, looked more like a leopard. Their parents were Diablo and Lola, and the family was so inseparable that they had to live together in the same sanctuary.
Narlugas are a crossbreed of narwhals and beluga whales, with climate change blamed for this result. The two species began to share the same territory since certain regions have become uninhabitable. Narlugas have big heads and the color of a narwhal, but minus that trademark horn. The body is shaped like a beluga.
Mule Bird
A canary and goldfinch crossbreed, tt’s also known as British finches since they were bred in the past as house pets. They were once hunted, but in 1981, the government took action and made the practice illegal.
Blood Parrot Cichlid
The Blood parrot cichlid is a crossbreed of cichlid and a Midis fish. They cannot close their mouths so they’re messy eaters.
A combination of mule and mallard, people bred this duck not because of its appearance but for its taste. The mulard has delicious meat and works well for foie gras.
People from Tibet and Mongolia make yaks and cattle live together to create a Dzo. The dzo is more efficient in producing milk, while its meat is prized. The males are sterile sadly.
The Mangalica aren’t hybrids exactly but a breed of pig called the Hungarian Pig. They were predominantly bred for its fat. They do have a woolly curl, and are famous for being made into tasty sausages.
This cute breed is a result of a poodle and a Bernese mountain dog. It’s more the size of a poodle but does have a playful and carefree personality.
Iron Age Pig
This is a crossbreed of a domestic pig and a wild boar. The pig was classified as an invasive species in the US, since they destroyed farmland and attacked pets for territory.
Wolves and coyotes are able mate with each other without difficulty. This creature gets the personality of its parents, with a size similar to a wolf. It’s just the right size.
The zubron is a crossbreed of cow and a European Bison. They were bred as an alternative to cattle in the European continent. Only a few herds remain today, most of them living in Bialowieski National Park, Poland.
This cat is a crossbreed of a Bengal and Domestic Shorthair tabby. They originated in the United States back in the 1980s. Only 469 Toygers were registered in 2020. Toygers have the color and appearance of its parents.
A litigon’s appearance is the opposite of the liger. They are a crossbreed of a lioness and a male tiger. Two of these were born in Haikou back in 2016.
Green Sea Slug
The Green Sea Slug has this shade of green thanks to the algae it eats. This sci-fi looking creature automatically procreates as it eats.
A crossbreed between a male puma and female leopard, they can also be bred by mating a male leopard and a female puma. Pumapards are usually born with dwarfism.
Huarizos are bred from a male llama and female alpaca. Also known as the South American camelids, a Huarizo is smaller than a llama. The University of Minnesota Rochester says these animals are commonly sterile, but can be preserved with a minimum genetic modification.
The Polecat-mink is a crossbreed of a European polecat and European mink. They’re also called Khor-make or as khonorik. The animal has yellow fur on the ears, gray-yellow underfur, a facial mask, and long, dark brown guard hair.
A Polecat-ferret is a crossbreed between a polecat and a domesticated ferret. A white neckband, white paws, and white hair makes up the fur. The polecat-ferret does not like enclosed spaces.
Pine Marten
The Pine marten has long ears and a dark brown body with a pale yellow belly. It has white stripes on its head, and a black band on its muzzle. It looks a bit like a badger’s mask.
Cama (Camel and Llama hybrid)
The Cama is a unique hybrid that results from breeding a camel and a llama. It typically inherits the body shape and size of a camel with some characteristics of a llama, such as its woolly coat. Camas are often bred for their adaptability to high altitudes and rugged terrains.
Beefalo (Bison and Domestic Cattle hybrid)
Beefalo is a hybrid between bison and domestic cattle. They combine the hardiness of bison with the ease of domestication of cattle, resulting in a hybrid known for its lean meat and ability to thrive in various climates.
Zedonk (Zebra and Donkey hybrid)
A Zedonk is the offspring of a zebra and a donkey. It typically has the body of a donkey with distinctive zebra stripes on its legs and sometimes its body. Zedonks are notable for their striking appearance.
Leopon (Leopard and Lion hybrid)
A Leopon is a hybrid between a leopard and a lion. It inherits the characteristics of both big cats, with a mix of lion’s mane and leopard’s spots, making it a visually intriguing animal.
Zony (Zebra and Pony hybrid)
A Zony is the offspring of a zebra and a pony. It often features the size and proportions of a pony with some zebra-like striping on its legs or body.
Coydog (Coyote and Domestic Dog hybrid)
A Coydog results from the mating of a coyote and a domestic dog. It may display traits from both parent species, often showing a mix of wild and domesticated behaviors.
Geep (Goat and Sheep hybrid)
The Geep is a hybrid between a goat and a sheep. It typically exhibits a combination of woolly fleece like a sheep and the agility of a goat.
Hinnie (Horse and Donkey hybrid)
A Hinnie is the offspring of a male horse (stallion) and a female donkey (jenny). It usually inherits the size and shape of a horse, with some donkey-like features.
Zetland (Zebra and Shetland Pony hybrid)
A Zetland is a cross between a zebra and a Shetland pony. It combines the small size of the Shetland pony with the distinctive striping of a zebra.
Kangaroo Hybrid (Red Kangaroo and Eastern Grey Kangaroo hybrid)
Kangaroo hybrids result from interbreeding between different kangaroo species, such as the Red Kangaroo and Eastern Grey Kangaroo. They may exhibit a mix of characteristics from both parent species.
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