Husky puppies fight over toy until mom comes to tell them off
We can't get enough of this adorable video!
Emma Shallcross

Anyone who’s owned a puppy will know that in many ways, they’re similar to a child.

You have to feed them, play with them and give them lots of attention, and making sure they don’t accidentally kill themselves becomes your full-time job. So with a litter of puppies, it’s to be expected that they will behave like children with each other- and this includes every mom’s favorite thing: squabbling.


In all fairness, we’d much rather watch puppies squabble all day over our own children, and when we came across a video of some husky puppies fighting over a toy, we just knew it was going to be adorable! What makes this video even sweeter is that the mama dog comes and tells off the puppies at the end, making the whole thing so relatable to our own mom life. We can guarantee that this video will cheer you up today!


The video was shared by Miss Aww, and over 4 million people have watched the adorable puppies squabbling over their toy. In the beginning of the clip, we can see a puppy with black markings playing with an orange toy. He seems to be pretty territorial over it, and whenever another puppy comes close, he moves the toy away from them so he can keep it all to himself.

But one of his brothers wants to share. A brown husky puppy approaches and tries to take the toy from the first pup – but the stubborn pup isn’t having it!


The pair then get into a heated exchange, snapping at each other and growling. It’s so cute to see fluffy little puppies trying to act as if they’re big and scary, and it makes the whole thing all the more adorable! Eventually, black pup wins back his toy, and he climbs up onto a cushion in an attempt to get away from his thieving brothers.


But all too soon, the brown pup is back again! He really wants to play with the toy, and he’s not going to give up without a fight. He takes one end of the toy in his mouth while the black pup holds onto the other end. They then have a bit of a tug-of-war over the toy, which the black pup wins again.

Tired of his brother not sharing, the brown pup decides to take some more serious action. As his brother begins to walk away with the toy, brown pup gives him a little nip to the neck. This is enough for mom to decide that she has to intervene.


Enough is enough, and mom decides that the best thing to do is take the toy off all of her children (sound familiar?) She seemed to be saying: “If you can’t share, you can’t have the toy at all!” Stubborn as the black pup is, when it’s his mom who is taking the toy off him, he knows that he has to obey, so he drops is almost instantly.

We loved watching this clip of these puppies playing together! You can watch the whole adorable video for yourself below.

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