Twins And Husky Adorably Play Together
I can’t tell who’s having more fun, the dog or the cute babies.
Rachael Butler

It is double the love for Juno the husky ever since the twins were born, and also double the fun.

Twins, Hailey and Kaylee, love their husky dog Juno. They might be very little still but these two are already dog lovers. Well, maybe just a love for Juno so far.

Luckily for them, Juno loves them right back. These three are going to grow up as best friends, as their bond is already strong.


Huskies are known to be a great family dog with children and these three prove that. The website All About Siberian Huskies explains,

“Siberian Huskies are actually wonderful family dogs, and their affable natures tend to make them good dogs to pair with small children. They also have a wonderfully level temperament, so you will not have to worry about them suddenly becoming aggressive towards your children.”


Huskies are a pack animal. Therefore, it is important to introduce babies at a very early age to the family husky. This will help the husky see the new babies as part of its pack. Once you are in the pack, the husky will always look out for you.

Just ask the pack of Hailey Kaylee, and Juno.


It is important to note that young children should still be supervised with the family husky because huskies are known to use their mouth a lot and can unintentionally hurt a child. This family is carefully watching the adorable interaction between their husky and baby girls.

When it is their playtime, that means it is time for playing with Juno.


When the video starts, Juno is laying between the girls and just soaking in all their attention.

It is easy to spot the difference in personality with their interactions with Juno. The baby in the white shirt is very gentle. She is slowly petting Juno and quietly giggling when Juno gets close to her face. While the baby girl in the green shirt is more active and loud. She is swinging her arms and trying to speak loudly to get Juno’s attention.


Juno is no stranger to the twins and it seems as if Juno already knows their personalities. Juno softly plays with the gentle baby and plays more actively with the active twin. She laughs hysterically when Juno puts his paw on her shoulder.

Juno knows all the tricks to get these girls laughing and having fun.


Juno is one busy dog trying to entertain both girls at the same time.

Juno keeps switching to each of the baby girls to play. Juno decides that laying on the floor is just not going to work, so Juno sits up and plans a new playing strategy. Juno will be able to keep his eyes on both girls at the same time.


This is when one baby starts having a full conversation with Juno through her cute gibberish. She wants all Juno’s attention! Juno stares at her like he knows every word she is saying. The bond between babies and dogs is always fun to watch.

It is almost as if they are in a world of their own, that only these three understand.


The video was too adorable not to go viral and has been seen by over a million viewers. Some viewers had some thoughts of their own about Juno, Hailey and Kaylee. Such as,

“Those kids are gonna have a guardian for life.”

“I can’t tell who is enjoying the play more the husky or the twins lol.”


Watch the adorable video in full right below.

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