Husky spots horse galloping towards him and their adorable interaction is melting hearts
What a sweet moment to capture on film - there's no way Mom's going to forget it. 😍
Cherie Gozon

We meet different people when we travel alone or with a group.

Unsplash - Eddie Billard
Unsplash - Eddie Billard

It’s one of the marvels of traveling and being in a new place with others doing the same.

We gravitate towards those treading the same road, exchanging stories and notes along the way.

That’s how we make friends while traveling.

Animals experience the same thing, whether you believe that or not.

Unsplash - Leiada Krozjhen
Unsplash - Leiada Krozjhen

This is mostly true for dogs because they, too, are social beings like humans.

They tend to get curious about other animals around them, leading to the most amazingly unexpected friendships.

Emma Leigh Matthews saw that friendship unfold with her dear pup while on vacation.

Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes
Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes

She and the rest of her family took a much-needed break and headed to the countryside with their three malamutes – Phil, Niko, and Teddy – and their cat, Milo.

And like any responsible fur parent, she walks her dogs even while traveling since it is for their welfare.

During these walks, her dog Teddy met a friend at the side of the road.

Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes
Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes

Emma passed by this road with vast grasslands on each side, and most of them were fenced out, making them think it was private property.

Aside from the breathtaking and calming view, she didn’t expect much during these walks, but she was surprised to see what would soon be Teddy’s new friend.

It was a horse! And it was galloping its way to the nearest fence.

Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes
Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes

Teddy instantly went to the fence, too, as he was curious about this gentle giant before him.

The two said ‘hello’ by sniffing each other, and it seemed like they liked each other.

Emma stayed there for a while to gain the horse’s trust and even tried to feed it some grass until it was clear that the two sparked a beautiful friendship.

“Your love is blossoming, you guys,” Emma said.

Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes
Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes

She shared that Teddy was always fascinated with animals bigger than him, and he liked cows the most.

It’s no surprise how he loved seeing this horse along the road.

The YouTube video she shared on their channel was already a few days into their vacation, and the two had already met.

You can tell that they were fond of each other.

Emma and Teddy went for a walk again and brought Niko with them this time.

Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes
Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes

Once again, the horse galloped in their direction by the fence the moment it spotted them.

While Niko seemed a bit weary of the encounter, Teddy loved meeting his new friend, and all those friendly kisses he gave to the horse tell it all.

It was really something special.

Their interaction was so pure and adorable that their YouTube fans loved it!

Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes
Source: YouTube - Life with Malamutes

They loved how the personalities of the two four-legged besties were so matched that they were drawn to each other and noticed Teddy’s happy, wagging tail.

Maybe country life was best for Teddy because he tends to make friends with many farm animals.

Watch this beautiful interaction in the video below!

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