There are those moments wherein we are enjoying a certain place so much that we don’t want to leave. It could be the beach, the mountains, a restaurant, a bar, or even the gym. You’re having so much fun that leaving is such a drag. Now as adults, we’re expected to suck it up and maintain our composure. Kids are forgiven for crying or even throwing tantrums when mommy and daddy have to pull or drag them away from their place of play.

It’s not exactly the behavior anyone would expect from a furry friend though. I mean just check out this dog.
Erin Walker posted this hysterical video on her YouTube channel. Dakota the Siberian Husky is quite the drama queen it seems.

Whatever the case, it looks like Dakota does not want to leave the doggy park and is giving his human parents a handful and an earful about it. Must have been a great time.
He’s already leashed but he lays down on his back, belly up as if to dare his humans to drag him because he’s not going anywhere with this “over my dead body” pose. Not such a great idea, buddy.

You can hear his human mom go, “Come on, bud.”
Dakota has the nerve to respond with what sounds like a, “Nooo”, over and over again while rolling around on the grass. Such a primadonna.
“We’re done. It’s time to go. Come on. We’re not gonna’ do this again.”
Mom says firmly.

Dakota’s human dad isn’t even trying to hold back his laughter. How’s the doggo going to take you seriously, dad??
This Husky continues rolling on the grass with his “Nooo”, even sticking his paws up in the air.
“Kota, come on. You’re embarrassing yourself. And us.”
Mom is serious now. Uh-oh. Come on, Dakota, get up.

Dad is more patient. Even giving him a few scratches with whispers of, “C’mon.” Dad even moves in to try and lift Dakota but the furry fiend isn’t having it. Dakota continues to protest, even kicking his frustrations out on his dad’s leg. He’s lucky dad is a nice, patient guy!

Typical behavior for a Siberian Husky. This is a breed known for being mischievous.
Though they are loyal and friendly, would be owners need a lot of energy and patience with this breed. Just look at Dakota.

He goes on wailing and throwing tantrums up until his dad, somehow and someway, is able to pick up the mutt.

Dad carries Dakota like a baby all the way to the car. Chances are this dog sulked the whole way home. Well he’s got over 3.4 million views and 122k likes so his antics got the attention he wanted. Crazy dog. You’d think it was the end of the world or something.
Well if it’s any consolation, the least mom and dad could do is give him an award for “Best Drama in a Series” or something. That would brighten up his day. We hope.

Listen to Dakota’s hilarious “howls” of protest in the video below.
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