Sibling rivalries are some of the funniest things in the world. As kids, we are all concerned with who gets the biggest slice of cake and how we can best annoy the others. When we get older, it just turns into who has the biggest house (just kidding, I think).

As it turns out, even dogs have their own sense of sibling rivalry!

We have all heard stories of a new dog coming in the house, and the existing one doesn’t take all that well to them, especially when you are giving head-pats to the new dog! While the things that dogs argue about are different, there are sometimes similarities that make you wonder if children and dogs are all that different.
Two huskies were caught red… pawed?

When one man came home, he got quite the surprise from his huskies! Upon entering the house, he immediately noticed that there was shredded paper everywhere. With two huskies living in the house, it was no mystery as to who did it.
If huskies are anything, though, they are smart!

Owning a husky allows you to experience just how sneaky these energetic dogs can be. If you don’t own one, take it from Embora Pets:
Huskies are very intelligent, independent dogs. They were bred to be working dogs and are known as an intelligent breed. Huskies may be slightly more difficult to train, not because they don’t understand what you are trying to get them to do, but because they can be stubborn.
Starting to see the similarities to kids?
Dakota and Phoenix are the huskies that seemed to be responsible for the paper.

You can tell that they both know they are guilty, too! Right when their dad walks in the door, they immediately start “explaining” what happened. When asked, “did you make this mess?” they both start yelping and doing their best to sway their dad to accuse the other!
They used everything in their arsenal to accuse the other!

If huskies had fingers to point, you can be sure these two would have been doing it right about now! Since they don’t have fingers, however, they resorted to what they do have – voices.
“The Siberian Husky was bred to pull sleds and live together in packs. They howl more than bark and often also say “Woowoowoo.” They are a talkative breed because they need to communicate throughout their work.” – Dogster

It almost sounds like two toddlers are fighting!

These two brothers are absolutely certain that the other one did it. More than that, they are trying to convince their dad the same thing! Whenever his disapproving voice levels on one of them, they immediately balk and look away. Maybe the reality is both of them are guilty!
What’s worse is when the man finds out what the papers were.

In the US, we have the dreaded IRS, or Internal Revenue Service. The English have their own version of the IRS responsible for taxes known as the HMRC, or Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. To be honest, theirs sounds way fancier. Unfortunately, the huskies had gotten into his mail and tore up all his tax documents!

Check out the video below!
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