While it often thought that humans are the only animals who can talk, did you know that there is a special kind of dog that can talk as well? Huskies!
Of all the dog breeds, huskies might be the most talkative.

For any owners of this fluffy and happy-go-lucky breed, it doesn’t come as any surprise that the breed is so talkative. We have all seen videos of hilarious dogs “chatting away” with their owners or other dogs, but why is it specifically huskies that are so talkative?
While we admit they can’t “talk” like humans, the purpose of their never-ending vocalization is something similar to humans!

Huskies were bred to live in a pack. Their “wolfish” looks serve them well in that capacity! Of all the dog breeds, huskies are some of the most energetic and pack oriented out there. The reason they are so active and ready to please is due to why they were bred.
Huskies were bred to pull heavy loads in below-freezing temperatures.

Dog sleds were used in the artic to pull people and supplies across the snow. Huskies are the best in the world at pulling dog sleds! When you combine a dog with a good work ethic, lots of energy, and a pack mentality, you are bound to get a dog that talks!
At the bottom of it, it’s just the way that huskies like to communicate.

We all need to communicate somehow! For huskies, yips, howls, and “talking” noises are just them wanting to chat! My Happy Husky says:
Talking is essentially a form of communication. Whether it’s whining, yapping, or even closely imitating a word you have said, it’s a way for your husky to communicate and convey their feelings and needs with you and other animals.
Since huskies can talk, can they argue?

While it can’t be proven, humans probably first discovered talking when a married couple needed a way to argue that didn’t involve clubs! Just kidding. Seriously though, with the gift of talking, the curse of arguing seems to be the next step, right?
YES! Just take these two huskies as an example!

In one hilarious video, we get to see two huskies “working out their differences”. Watching them really looks like they are having quite a disagreement with one another.
The lighter one seems to be more adamant about his position, and the darker one seems to be trying to plead his case.

Right in the beginning, it looks like the darker one tries to get a final word in! The light one is having none of it and lets his friend know. In one of the most human actions ever, the dark husky seems to respond by waving his paws in a sign of frustration. Are we sure these two aren’t married?

After a few more back-and-forths, the light one seems to get frustrated and turn away.

Right as the lighter one turns away, however, his friend snuggles up close ad gives those big puppy eyes. It really looks like these two had a human argument! It was probably about taxes or which kibble is best or something like that.

Check out the hilariously cute video below!
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