Especially right now with the pandemic, police officers around the world are more stressed than ever. Along with their normal calls, they’re receiving some they can’t help with, such as issues with social distancing. Another challenge …many cops have come down with the coronavirus, leaving departments shorthanded.
Now more than ever, people need to respect officers and recognize they’re humans like everyone else. They have families, play sports, listen to music, and do the same things we all do. That includes helping animals in need. For one cop, he had the chance to assist in an unusual way.
Animals everywhere
Not only is Houston, Texas the livestock capital of the country but it’s also a haven for all kinds of wild animals. That includes adorable ducks. Usually, they hang around parks and other places where there’s water. But sometimes, they go a little off course.
“Excuse us, we’re lost”
While out on patrol one day, an officer from Houston spotted a bunch of ducklings. Somehow, they’d misplaced their mom. Noticing they needed a little human help, he gladly stepped in.
Loving animals
We all love watching online videos of animals. Whether they’re someone’s pet or a critter in the wild, they grab our heartstrings. Stories about animals that get dumped and rescued are especially touching.
The most adorable video ever
After spotting the ducklings, the officer got out of his patrol car. He then walked in front of them. You can hear him saying, “Come here…come on, let’s go.” It was as though these sweet creatures knew he was there to help so they obediently followed him.
It’s impacting
The video may only last a few seconds but it’s had a huge impact on people around the world. They get to see just how kindhearted most cops are and how they’ll do whatever it takes to help both people and animals.
A big shoutout
Priscilla Thompson, the woman who uploaded the video, wanted to make sure Sgt. Engelhart knew how much he was appreciated. But come to find out, there’s another part of this story.
Assisting humans too
The day this officer found the ducklings, he’d just helped Priscilla open her vehicle door after locking her keys inside. That’s when the ducklings came along looking for their mom. So, she had the chance to capture the action on video.
Showing companionship
To some people, this might not seem like a big deal. But in the big scheme of everything that’s going on, it’s nice to see someone going above and beyond the call of duty to be compassionate.
All in a day’s work
As far as Sgt. Engelhart is concerned, this is just another part of his job. To him and his fellow Houston officers, all calls are important. And if they come across a person or animal needing help while out patrolling, they’ll pitch in without hesitation.
Working together
This video is a reminder that now more than ever, we all need to work together. Whether helping out a neighbor or saving an animal, we need to step up our game.
If you see a animal in need, we hope you’ll do what this officer did and help. To Sgt. Engelhart and all other people in law enforcement — thank you.
You can watch this video simply by clicking on it below. Regardless is you’re a huge fan of animals or not, it’ll put a smile on your face. Enjoy.
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A big thank you to @houstonpolice Sgt. Engelhart who not only helped me after I locked my keys in the car this morning, but also helped these little chicks find their way back to mom — all while making sure that folks know all @HoustonTX parks are closed due to #COVID19.
— Priscilla Thompson (@PriscillaWT) April 11, 2020
Source: Click2Houston, Twitter