After 3 weeks apart horse reunites with owner giving her the best welcome home
This is so sweet and special.
Sasha Alonzo

Vacations are like life’s little recesses—a pause to step out of the daily grind, explore new lands, and have adventures.

The thrill of the new is intoxicating, but let’s not discount the pure joy of returning home.

Your bed never feels as comfortable as it does when you’ve been away, right?

But, if you’re a pet owner, you know that the euphoria of settling back into your personal space is just the tip of the iceberg.

The main event?

The bounding, tail-wagging, or in some cases, neighing welcome you receive from your furry—or not-so-furry—friend.

Luckyhoof - YouTube
Luckyhoof - YouTube

Imagine it for a moment: You unlock your door and there they are—your pet.

The reunion is palpable, like a scene lifted from a romantic comedy.

Your pet is airborne, practically levitating in excitement; you’re wearing a grin so big it might split your face; and for those few seconds, everything in the world is exactly as it should be.

Luckyhoof - YouTube
Luckyhoof - YouTube

Now, when we talk about pet reunions, dogs often steal the spotlight.

Or maybe a particularly affectionate cat sneaks into the frame.

But have you ever considered that horses could also feel a deep sense of attachment?

A YouTube user named luckyhoof challenges our traditional pet reunion narratives, showing that horses can be just as emotionally invested in these moments as any dog or cat.

Luckyhoof - YouTube
Luckyhoof - YouTube

Luckyhoof had been gallivanting abroad for three whole weeks—experiencing different cultures, trying new foods, and surely having the time of her life.

Yet amidst all the excitement, there was a four-legged friend she couldn’t wait to see again—her beloved horse.

When she finally landed back home, her anticipation was tinged with an emotional urgency.

Her video, a heartfelt record of their reunion, shows that her horse felt the same way.

Luckyhoof - YouTube
Luckyhoof - YouTube

The video captures luckyhoof, bundled up against an overcast sky, walking through fields and meadows.

She’s on a quest to find her horse, who is as much a part of her family as anyone else.

Finally, she spots him, looking majestic and undeniably fashionable in a stunning purple coat.

The moment is cinematic.

She calls out his name.

Initially, the horse seems confused, pausing as if contemplating the familiarity of the voice that just broke the quietude.

And then, like a lightbulb moment, he recognizes—it’s her!

Luckyhoof - YouTube
Luckyhoof - YouTube

No Hollywood chase scene could ever compete with what happens next.

The horse breaks into a gallop, charging toward luckyhoof with such fervor and speed that you’d think he was racing against the wind.

It’s an emotional spectacle, a beautiful testament to the profound bond between them.

Watching it, you can’t help but feel your own heart swell with happiness.

Luckyhoof - YouTube
Luckyhoof - YouTube

Now, you might wonder, is this lovefest between luckyhoof and her horse a one-off, or do horses often form such close relationships with humans?

An article from ‘Horses and People’ sets the record somewhat straight.

Researcher Lina Roth explains that the horse-human dynamic isn’t quite the same as that of humans and dogs.

She states, “This might not be that surprising, when you think about the fact that most dogs live in our houses and are together with their owners from when they’re puppies. But with horses, it is not as common that we keep the same individual throughout its life.”

Luckyhoof - YouTube
Luckyhoof - YouTube

However, don’t think that horses are emotionally detached creatures.

Elke Hartmann, PhD, of the Department of Animal Environment and Health at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, offers an important caveat.

She says, “That doesn’t mean horses never develop special bonds with their owners. When and how they express attachment behavior may depend entirely on previous interactions and the situation—factors like where the horse lives, how much time the owner invests, the activities they do together, and the duration of the ownership.”

Luckyhoof - YouTube
Luckyhoof - YouTube

So, what’s the takeaway here?

The video is proof positive that horses have the ability to form deeply emotional relationships with their humans.

They can feel, they can miss you, and boy, can they run to you when they realize you’re back!

If you’re curious to witness this miraculous reunion, just a fair warning—the video starts off a bit shaky.

But stick with it, or fast-forward if you must.

Missing this moment would be like leaving before the grand finale of a fireworks show, and trust us, you’ll want to see every sparkling second of it.

Watch their heartwarming reunion in the video below.

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