Horse’s unexpectedly tender reaction to reuniting with friend after 4 years catches owner off guard
"I knew that they would recognize each other, but this is so much deeper than I thought possible. And... it's so extraordinary." 🐴💞
Jake Manning

Have you ever wondered if animals can form lifelong friendships?

A curious woman decided to put this to the test by reuniting three horses who had shared a close bond as young foals.

She reintroduced a horse she had parted with four years earlier to his old companions in a field, not knowing the incredible reaction that awaited her.


Sue Blagburn, the woman behind this touching reunion, had raised three horses named Arthur, Harry, and William in Mustons Field, England.

These horses had grown up together, forming an inseparable trio.

However, as Sue’s career shifted towards equine facilitated learning and therapy, she had to make the tough decision to give Arthur up.

For the next four years, while Arthur lived a life of high-class private competitions, Harry and William traveled across England with Sue.


As Sue’s business flourished, Harry and William found themselves among many other ponies.

Eventually, Sue settled in Firle, East Sussex, and felt it was time to bring Arthur back.

She repurchased him and brought him to the field to reunite with his old friends.

Sue had a hunch that the horses would recognize each other, but she was unprepared for the depth of their reaction.


The moment the horses laid eyes on each other, it was as if no time had passed.

Harry and William were grazing when Arthur approached.

Upon seeing him, their hearts overflowed with joy, and they expressed their affection by tenderly rubbing their heads together.

It was a scene that warmed the heart.


After several affectionate nudges, the trio felt a burst of energy and took off running around the field in long, joyful laps.

It was clear that they were overjoyed to be reunited, relishing every moment together on the same field after years apart.


Sue was deeply moved by the horses’ reactions.

She confessed to the camera, “I knew that they would recognize each other, but this is so much more deep than I thought possible, and… it’s so extraordinary.”

She was amazed at the strong bond they maintained over the years, noting that William, typically quite bossy, allowed Arthur to be close in a way he wouldn’t permit with any other horse.


The celebration continued as the horses ran around and rolled on the ground, reveling in their reunion.

Sue was thrilled to have them together again.

The horses now play a starring role in Adventures with Horses, an organization that offers learning and growth through therapeutic opportunities with horses, helping individuals develop potential, self-awareness, and skills.


Adventures with Horses is committed to making a difference, working with both young children and adults to enhance their lives.

The organization operates on crowdfunding and the support of volunteers, offering its services to disadvantaged children.

For those interested in supporting this noble cause, donations can be made through their website.


Arthur’s story is a beautiful testament to the enduring nature of friendship, even among animals.

It’s heartwarming to witness such profound love and loyalty.

What a beautiful scene to witness, watch below!

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