Kind horse creates a gentle connection with little boy with Williams Syndrome
This horse was so kind and gentle with this little boy.
Melissa Ortiz

Young child meets horse.

The meeting between this gentle horse and this 4-year-old boy with Williams Syndrome will definitely warm your heart. At first, the little boy seems unsure of what to do when he sees this large horse approaching him

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The introduction.

It doesn’t take the little boy long, though, to put aside his fears and trust the horse completely. Even though the horse’s size may be intimidating, the boy instinctively knows that the horse is safe and vice-versa. The horse is not afraid of the boy and trusts completely that the boy will not hurt him.

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This horse is so unbelieving gentle with this boy and follows his every move. The horse can feel this special child and reacts to him with such sensitivity that it just melts your heart.

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The horse child bond.

As the boy becomes more comfortable around the horse, the horse becomes even more tolerant. This gentle soul allows the boy to hug, kiss, pat, and wrap his arms around his leg. The boy is not afraid of him at all when he throws his arms around the horse’s leg, even though the horse’s leg is larger than he is.

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What is Williams Syndrome?

Williams Syndrome is a very rare, genetic disorder that can affect anyone. It is present at birth and diagnosed through two DNA tests.
Individuals with Williams Syndrome can have developmental delays and learning challenges.

However, people with Williams Syndrome are generally very social and affectionate. As you can see in this video, typical of most individuals with the syndrome, this boy genuinely enjoys attention, even from an animal. You can just see and feel the plain joy on this young child’s face after he connects with the gentle horse.

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Equine therapy.

Equine therapy is considered to be extremely successful by many specialists. According to Seriously Equestrian, there are a number of reasons that equine therapy is beneficial.

First, there is no judgment. This child and horse are able to communicate silently, with no fear of rejection. They connect on an emotional level, not always possible between people.

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During traditional therapy, it is often difficult for a patient to open up and be vulnerable. This is often true because the patient may not know how to express their struggles.

People often feel more relaxed around animals, which allows them to be more comfortable opening up and expressing themselves. A therapist can then use the representation of the horse to help the patient put their feelings into words.

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Without even realizing it, horses will mirror the emotions of the patient in equine therapy. As is the case with this boy and horse, equine therapy can encourage self-esteem. The boy realizes that this horse understands him and that realization allows him to feel good about himself.

Unsplash/Arseny Togulev
Unsplash/Arseny Togulev

Lessons learned.

Watching this video is a great reminder of the importance of empathy and kindness when dealing with other people. We can learn a lot from horses. Hopefully, the genuine respect and affection seen here will encourage you to reach out and show this kindness to others around you.

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