Homeless dog had just one week left at high-kill shelter but then makeover saved his life
Just look at that transformation!
Emma Shallcross

People abandon their pets for all kinds of reasons, but whatever the logic behind their decision, there’s no excuse for dumping a poor helpless animal out on the streets.

People who abandon animals don’t deserve to have a pet in the first place, and we hope that in the future, these incidents will become less of an occurrence.


Dogs in particular aren’t the most street-smart of animals, and they’re not able to look after themselves in the same way that us humans are. So when a poor helpless dog was left out in the streets of LA, it was a race against time to get him into a shelter and cared for. Trouble was, the shelter was already full to the burst with animals, so those who were in a bad way were more likely to be put down.

Luckily for the little pup, he was able to receive a grooming session that quite literally saved his life, and he now has since been adopted into his forever home.


Charlie the Terrier mix was heartlessly left out on the streets where he sat, helpless and alone.


The poor dog was in a bad way physically, and the stress of being in an unfamiliar place all by himself was causing him to shake and cry. Luckily, some good Samaritans collected Charlie from off the streets and took him to a nearby rescue center, where his condition was assessed over by a vet.

Charlie was found to have burrs covering his whole coat, which was causing him a lot of pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, the shelter he had been taken to was overcrowded with a high kill facility, which meant that the pup had only a week to find a family. But the poor pup was in pain and frightened, and his matted coat and nervous demur meant that he wasn’t the most appealing to potential adopters. Luckily, shelter workers had a plan.


The workers knew that time was running out before Charlie would have to be euthanized, so they decided to take him to the groomers to get a quick bath and trim.

They hoped that this would be enough to cheer Charlie up and make him more appealing to adopters – and they were right. The groomer took one look at the little dog’s matted fur and decided that after years of neglect, the best thing to do would be to trim his fur nice and short.


Lo and behold, as soon as Charlie had his transformation, not only did his physical appearance change, but so did his personality! Gone was the nervous, ashamed looking dog, and in his place was a confident, happy spirited pup.


As soon as he was taken back to the shelter, it only took three days for Charlie to find a family who was willing to adopt him – meaning that his haircut had literally saved his life!


We’re so happy that Charlie got the happy ending he deserved. Watch his transformation video below.

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