Imagine how entertaining it would be if there was an animated thought bubble that followed our cats everywhere they went. This would allow us to understand and follow their thinking process on why they do all the peculiar things they do. Dogs are more predictable. Cats follow no rules. Our tabby companions surely make life much more interesting. From clawing their way through a living room wall to sitting in an unconventional style, here are 15 hilarious pictures with mini explanations posted by cat owners via Tumblr.
#1 Bird flavored water is probably this tabby’s preferred way to stay hydrated.
#2 A creative use of graphing paper is to make a pair of kitty goggles!
#3 Feline pencil holders would make the office work life either much more productive or incredibly distractive. Regardless, both outcomes would be a win-win situation if we got to bring our cat to work.
#4 Meet Sebastian, a sweet cat who needs his food to be served with a side of company before he begins eating. So cute!
#5 Cats have a plethora of talents but we didn’t know unclogging a toilet with a plunger was one of them.
#6 How we feel about Monday mornings.
#7 Is this a cat or furry potato or giant hamster? The possibilities are endless for this one.
#8 If I was a cat, my tabby-sized brain would have been mind blown as well.
#9 If this cat was a human, he’d be the guy wearing a low v-neck, with a naturally smoldering look and a guitar strapped around his waist. He’d sit on a street corner and serenade to all the ladies who pass by him.
#10 Introducing the Guinness World Record of the number of cats sitting on a tree stump. We’re pretty sure we could squeeze in a few more.
#11 Cat during the day and wallpaper decoration whenever it gets bored.
#12 Not sure if this tabby appreciates being forced to perform dog-like behaviors.
#13 They say all cats, big or small, like to sit in compacted places.
#14 Cats have a mind of their own. They’re smart which is probably why they purposely don’t listen to us. Maybe we should try to tell them to do the opposite of what we actually want them to do?
#15 This cat is unamused with its human.
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