Whenever you are having a rough day and need a bit of positivity to turn your day around, cute animals is the trick. There is no way that you can look at adorable animals and not have them bring a smile to your face. There is something about there pure joy, happiness, or innocence that can help lift your own spirits. Cute animals are an amazing elixir for anyone experiencing a rough time. Here are 60 animals that will help your bad day turn itself around.
1. Number Seven
A family took in a stray dog that ended up being pregnant. The mama had seven puppies in all and when the last puppy came, she was marked. Number 7 was ready to come and had a cute little number seven on her nose. She came in the perfect order.
2. Baby Squirrel
Have you ever seen a baby squirrel? I sure have not and I am sad it has taken me this long to see one. This baby squirrel is super adorable and fits in the palm of its rescuer’s hand.
3. Me Too!
When there are four dogs in the house it is hard to stand out in the crowd. A great way to stand out, be the cutest in the room and shoving your head underneath another dog to try and make your way in is very cute.
4. Snuggles
It is a rainy day, so this bunny and doggy twosome are snuggling up close for cuddles. The dog is probably not getting any warmer, but the bunny definitely is. When bunnies and dogs get along the world must be upside down or just rainy.
5. Baby Otter
The person that posted this picture did not describe this baby otter as fluffy, they described him as “floofy.” When an animal is that adorable, a cute but made up name is always a better choice. He is just so cute and perfect.
6. Holding On
Not only is this otter adorable, he also likes a little human comfort too. His little hand is just reaching out for some love and how could anyone pass up a moment to hold hands with an otter? That is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
7. Proud Parents
The smiles on these parents faces show how proud they are of their puppies. Delivering five puppies would be a long and hard process, but totally worth it later. These doggy parents already love their little pups and want to show them off.
8. Lamb Kisses
It was unclear how the dog was going to react the first time he met a lamb, but it went way better than anyone thought. This dog only has love to share and that includes loving this adorable lamb. The lamb does not seem to mind in the slightest.
9. Never Grow Up
A dog can age, but that does not mean he has to grow up. He found his comfy position as a puppy and is going to keep laying that way forever. He is still a puppy at heart.
10. Hugs
This poor kitty was lost for four hours before she was found by her owner. All this cat wanted to do was hug her mom and never let go. This cat might never let go of her mother again after her experience, she is going to hold on tight.
11. Stay Close
Her flippers might be tiny but they can still hold on to those she loves. This cutie is making sure that the human knows how much she is loved or she might be asking her to never stop rubbing her belly. It is adorable either way.
12. Graduation Love
There was no one happier or prouder about her graduation than her own dog. Her doggy was not afraid to show his excitement and now that she is finished with school, he is ready for a party. That is a party face if I have ever seen one.
13. Got It
What happens when the dog can actually get his tail? Will he ever try again? This smart pup was not outsmarted by his own tail but now that he has it, he probably does not know what to do with it.
14. Cold, Cold, Cold
Everyone knows how cold the stethoscope feels the first time a doctor places it on your skin. Well, this newborn gorilla feels that cold shock too during his first check up. That baby face was not expecting the cold stethoscope and had the most adorable reaction to it.
15. Fishy Kisses
There have been a lot of unique friendships between differing animals, yet a Dutch Shepherd and a Koi Carp might be the most unique. The bond between these two is strong and being stuck between water and land will not make their bond waver.
16. Bun-Bun
This tiny bunny is so small it fits within the palm of her hand. Bunnies are already cute enough, but the level of cuteness is explosive for baby bunnies. It makes me wish I had a baby bunny right now to hold and pet.
17. Stray Dog
This stray dog was roaming the streets alone, but was found by this lucky new owner. How could he ever say no to that adorable face? She is going to have her new owner wrapped around her paws.
18. Like This?
This kitten is learning how to play with her toys, but does not understand the meaning of this one. She wants to play but just does not know how yet. She is lucky she is so darn cute while she figures it out.
19. Bye-Bye Babies
It is a bucket full of baby turtles. A bucket of baby turtles will help cheer up about anyone, especially knowing they were all let out into the ocean. Those babies are all about to start a new life in their forever home.
20. Stuffed Animals
Stuffed animals are not only for children. This doggy’s name is Gumbo and he will not go anywhere without his stuffed animal, named Baby Shrimp. His owners named the stuffed animal, it makes you wonder if Gumbo has his own name for his favorite toy.
21. Born This Way
Puppy paws are already adorable, but when they come out mix matching colors they become even cuter. The paws on this French Bulldog will make us all go “awwww.” This puppy will always stand out in this litter.
22. All Smiles
Shibas are known for their adorable facial expressions. This Shiba is all smiles for its owner. Coming home to that smile everyday would be an instant feeling of happiness.
23. Dog and Bird
This picture is so cute it almost seems like it is an advertisement for a pet store. These two are just hanging out together at home though. The bird is very interested in the dog, which is a bit off putting for the dog but he is going with it.
24. Portrait Time
This good boy is mighty proud of his portrait and will give a live version of it too. He is ready for another painting of himself though because one is just not enough. He deserves it too, by being so adorable.
25. Small Spoon
When you are the small spoon and wake up first, you have to hang out and wait for the big spoon to wake up. This does not bother the baby because he loves his doggy cuddling time. This dog will always be his protector, even in his sleep.
26. Camping
It gets cold at night while camping and these two knew that their body warmth would keep them warm. The sleeping bag does not hurt either. That is one peaceful cat wrapped in the arms of her loving dog.
27. Best Friends
A great hangout with friends can cheer up anyone, even owls. One could say they are having a hoot of a time together. This needs a “BFF” frame as fast as possible.
28. Mother Hugs
Hugs from your mother are just a different type of hug. They make you feel safe and loved all at once. This baby kangaroo is squeezing all the love out of his mama with this adorable hug.
29. Happy Days
This seal is having the best time all by itself. This seal does not need another animal to entertain itself, it is happy all on its own. That smile is contagious and it will be hard to keep a smile from forming yourself.
30. What’s This?
This pug is utterly confused at what has landed on his paw. He is being careful enough not to scare it away but does not know what is going on. If only we could all be so gentle with things we do not understand.
31. Start of a Joke
Instead of asking why chickens are crossing the road, this picture has us asking why the ducks are crossing the road. Thankfully, this kind officer is keeping them safe from any cars that would get in their way. Good luck little ducklings on your journey in the city.
32. Bucket of Puppies
If a bucket of baby turtles were adorable, then a bucket of puppies is overwhelmingly adorable. The next time I find myself sad, I would like a friend or family member to present me with a bucket of puppies, or at least this picture of them. Puppy cuteness overload.
33. Window Washer
I guess that is one way to clean the windows. It is definitely a funnier way to get the windows wiped but it probably will not clean them. Hey, at least this cat is trying to help around the house, that is more effort than most pets.
34. New Pet
One of the best feelings in the world is laying your eyes on your new pet. The connection hits and you know that, that animal was meant just for you. This family found their new pet in this brought 8 week old Golden Retriever. Meet Bowie.
35. Swinging Time
The swings are a childhood staple at almost every park. This dog is here to let you know that swings are not just for children anymore, they are for dogs as well. This dog was getting tired of watching the children have all the fun, so he made his dad put him in and push him as high as he could.
36. Newborn Birdie
This adorable birdie is not ready for the real world just yet. So, he is going to stay partially in his egg as long as he can. It makes great armor while he figures out how to handle his new surroundings.
37. Long Legs
You will either enjoy this next fact or get the heebie-jeebies from it. Owls have very long legs that hide under their feathers. Their feathers help hide the awkward look that they can get showing off their full legs.
38. High Five
This is one happy dog and the thing about happiness is that it is contagious. This dog has cheered up this officer on duty and he even got a high five in too. Have you ever seen a happier dog give a stranger a high paw?
39. Woo-Hoo
When this Reddit user spotted this lamb, she could not pass the opportunity by. She said,
“I think I found the happiest lamb of all time.”
40. Oldie but a Goodie
This picture has made its way around the internet for a few years now but it will always bring a smile to your face when you see it. Astronaut Leland Melvin was not going to exclude his dogs in his official NASA photograph. How could he, when his dogs are that cute!
41. So Tiny
One day he might grow into his bed, but right now he is bite sized in a giant bed. How he cuddles up to the side of the bed is ultra cute, he needs that extra warmth. Hopefully this bed will still be around when he grows up and the owners can witness how much he grows.
42. Sandwich Dog
It was a slow snack time for this dog and his bread. He had to earn every bite with a funny picture. The Corgi probably cannot wait for his owner to be done with the pictures, so he could munch it all. The middle picture, of just his nose, might be the best one.
43. Cat Naps
There is no better napping partner than a baby or a cat. They will nap with you at any given moment during the day. So, these two sleepyheads might never get up. When they do they are already set because their playtime will be in the same spot.
44. Mama Kisses
This mom cat was caught giving her baby some kisses. The mom probably could not help herself with such an adorable baby. Even cat moms become overwhelmed with the love they have for their babies.
45. Is It Me?
The hedgehog is majorly confused by this pine cone. It’s owner made the pine cone look so similar that the hedgehog cannot help but sniff it out. If you cannot have any friends, might as well make them.
46. Smirks
Animals that can smirk will always be heart melters, just like this puppy. It gets even cuter when you find out his name is Mango. Mango, aw man, that is just the perfect name for this little guy and his smirk.
47. Strolling
This Shiba is staring straight ahead as they stroll along the road. He is making sure they are headed straight to the dog park and no the vet. The bike ride will not be worth it if the destination is not fun.
48. Those Eyes
The eyes on this kitten are gorgeous. Those are eyes that a person can stare into and see an entire galaxy living in them. This little kitty does not yet realize that gorgeous eyes are always a show stopper.
49. Tiny and Magnificent
The coloring of this tiny bird is illuminating. The feathers are so beautiful it distracts the viewer from realizing its tiny size. The photographer put the bird on a baby carrot for people to realize how tiny it actually is.
50. Baby Badger
If anyone tells you that badgers are not a cute animal, please refer them to this picture. Badgers are known for their very strong teeth, but they are not grown in as a baby just yet. He will not be able to chew on this finger for too much longer.

51. Chinchilla Grip
Imelda is not letting go of her owner. She might have tiny paws but she is holding on as tight as she can. The smaller the paws the cuter they are and Imelda has tiny paws. It does not hurt that Imelda is already cute to start with.
52. Best Friends
These two are basking in the sun and basking in their friendship. Their love is pure and their friendship is strong and no one can tell them any differently. The raccoon hugging on his friend will make your heart melt.
53. Baby Teeth
If puppies have puppy teeth that fall out like children, does that mean their is a puppy tooth fairy? If so, are dogs rewarded in treats because if so, this puppy, Kinder, deserves two treats. She lost her two bottom teeth and is still waiting for her adult teeth to come all the way in.
54. Partners
This K-9 partner is not taking picture day seriously. All he wants to do is lick his partner’s face for a funny photo. When you love someone so much, you just want to show your affection all the time. Luckily for us, these photos were shared by the department to bring smiles to all our faces.
55. Adopted Kids
Fred found ducklings without a mother and he was not going to let them survive on their own. Fred has adopted his ducklings and takes care of them just like he would his own puppies. He bathes with them in the water, carries them around on his back, and cuddles with them in the sun.
56. Mom Life
The struggles of mom life is real for all species. This mom has had her bed taken over by her puppy and has found herself sleeping in a tiny bed. Moms sacrifice a lot for their kids, even their spacious beds. Poor mom, but lucky puppy.
57. Wrestling Around
Lions are fierce, but they also love a good playtime. These two are rough housing but have such joy on their faces. It is always unique to see these wild animals having fun in their natural habitat.
58. Flowers, My Lady
Oakley’s owner has a few words to the lucky lady that Oakley chooses,
“This is Oakley. He picked you some flowers. Hopes they’re your favorite color. If not, he can try again.”
59. Reenactment
This turtle is living out her Dirty Dancing dreams on the shell of another turtle. It is the closest she can get to being lifted but she is taking her shot. Her back legs are perfectly pointed just like Baby’s were.
60. All Mine
The look this puppy is giving is fierce. This duckling is all his and he does not want anyone getting close to them. He is going to be the best protector he can be because the duckling is too adorable not to protect.
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