Guy sees puppies' tails wagging under box and lifts it up to find them all holding hands
He wanted to know what was so interesting under there and when he lifted the box...our hearts melted.
Jake Manning

If you’re in the need of a smile or mood-booster — you found the right article.

Emily Buchenberger discovered local ‘puppy play hour” events, where dog owners get to meet each other and provide their pups with a safe and cool place to play with each other.

Emily’s pooch is an incredibly cute and affectionate Golden Retriever who listens to the name Billie. The woman from Atlanta just took in Billie for four months and it was clear that he could use new places to hang out, play and exercise.

One of these puppy playgrounds is a perfect distraction for both Emily and Billy and she decided to sign Billie up for the group between 8 and 18 weeks. Her pooch was definitely excited to meet some new friends too!

The playdate attracted over a dozen other dogs and Billie couldn’t contain her excitement.

After she got to know them all, it looked like Billie wanted to spend some time with a few dogs in particular. It didn’t take long before Emily noticed that she was hanging around and gravitating towards other Golden Retrievers!

Within minutes a couple of these golden furballs became best buds, they just loved playing together.

GoldenGirl_Billie, YouTube screenshot
GoldenGirl_Billie, YouTube screenshot

“The goldens have similar play styles so they immediately clicked. There might as well not have been the other 15 puppies at puppy hour because the goldens were attached to each other like glue,” Emily said to The Dodo.

It’s not uncommon behavior for Golden Retrievers to get along so well with each other, as they’re often praised as the perfect family pet and have a sweet and loyal personality.

GoldenGirl_Billie, YouTube screenshot
GoldenGirl_Billie, YouTube screenshot

Emily also noticed that Billie and her new friends were very interested in one part of the room, a rather large piece of plastic where most dogs jumped on – but the “golden group” decided to crawl underneath the toy and hide there instead.

“Most puppies ran around or jumped onto the objects, but not the goldens. They almost exclusively played with each other underneath the objects in secrecy.”

When they hid underneath this blue plastic bridge, you can see their tail sticking out and it’s just too adorable.

GoldenGirl_Billie, YouTube screenshot
GoldenGirl_Billie, YouTube screenshot

Of course, it does make one wonder, what could possibly be so interesting underneath the plastic object? There definitely was a secret meeting going on of sorts, but Emily had no idea what was going on in their minds.

One day, Emily and a worker decided to go figure out what was going on for themselves.

The worker lifted the plastic bridge up, and it exposed an absolutely touching and heartwarming sight: they were holding hands!

GoldenGirl_Billie, YouTube screenshot
GoldenGirl_Billie, YouTube screenshot

Well, holding paws might be a better description for it, but it was incredibly sweet to witness nonetheless. The puppies even felt quite caught and all ran away when the plastic was lifted, but it didn’t take long before they found their way back there for another secret paw-holding meeting.

“We found them all calmly interlocking paws,” she said. “They definitely were not expecting to be exposed and immediately dispersed. Soon after, they met back up underneath the bridge to secretly play.”

You’re going to want to see this for yourself…trust us. Watch below!

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