Greyhound who grew up in the races is now getting a taste of “the good life”
These two couldn't be better matched. Both have obstacles they have to constantly overcome in life but neither of them will give up. 🥰
Luis Gaskell

Greyhounds are funny dogs. They’re lanky and pointy, looking more like funny wire model of something rather than a dog.

Their purpose as racing and hunting dogs can be thanked for that.

But when a Greyhound can’t run in a race, what’s left for it to do? This one here is about to show us the answer.

Meet Chili the greyhound, a rescued dog who couldn’t participate in races.

Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound
Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound

There’s nothing wrong with Chili’s legs. No injuries to speak of.

Chili, however, has something a little more serious than a bad leg. He has epilepsy.

Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound
Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound

Some of you may not have been aware that dogs can get epilepsy, but yes, they can.

Breeds such as greyhounds may suffer the most from it, as they are naturally athletic dogs.

Potentially suffering from a seizure in the middle of an intense run isn’t something you want to happen.

Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound
Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound

And the loving person who rescued him is Kayley, who has chronic health problems of her own.

Together, they make a great pair that looks after each other. Kayley gives Chili food, shelter, and medication for his epilepsy.

Meanwhile, Chili provides companionship, protection, and I guess being able to chase down any squirrel or raccoon that might annoy Kayley.

Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound
Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound

However, Chili doesn’t always have it in him.

He can be timid and clingy towards Kayley on many days.

Kayley recalls when she first brought him into her home.

Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound
Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound

Chili would rarely wag his tail or show any signs of excitement or happiness.

Whatever it was like where he came from, there clearly wasn’t a whole lot to be happy about.

That changed slowly as Kayley raised him. Kayley suspected that he’d never been indoors before.

The greyhound didn’t understand the meaning behind open and closed doors, or what it meant when food was ready.

Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound
Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound

He, both figuratively and literally, couldn’t read the room.

Chili hadn’t been socialized during his brief time as a racing dog, and it showed in his early days living with Kayley.

Even she admits that Chili is a strange-looking dog. Yeah, she knew what a greyhound was. But to be next to one in-person puts things in a different perspective.

She knew they were lean, running dogs. But she wasn’t prepared for the funny, skinny, gangly creature that would become her companion.

In her own words, “I would tell people that he looked like a bicycle seat stuck on a horse.”

Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound
Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound

Chili has episodes of overthinking and anxiety – something I feel like most of us can relate to.

According to Kayley, he’ll often think about his past and whimper in lament or depression.

It’s during these times that Kayley has to comfort him. Eventually, she has to nurture the feeling in him that his past doesn’t matter.

He’s so much more than the racing dog that his original breeders wanted him to be.

He’s made it this far as a rescued dog with epileptic seizures. Soon, he might learn to stop worrying so much.

Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound
Instagram - @chili.thegreyhound

Listen to Kayley talk about Chili the greyhound below!

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