Great Dane melts hearts with ‘sweet way’ she comforts anxious foster brother
She knew just how to help him feel safe.
Jake Manning

Adopting a rescue dog often brings a mix of boundless love and unique quirks.

These quirks aren’t flaws but rather special traits that make loving your new furry friend all the more rewarding.

Imagine a heart that’s been through the wringer, yet still has so much affection to give – that’s the beauty of rescue dogs.


One such dog, a Great Dane named Tofu, came with his own set of challenges – separation anxiety. This condition is common in dogs who’ve faced abandonment or lacked socialization during their puppy years.

It’s a tough situation, especially for pet parents who can’t always be home.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) explains, “Separation anxiety is triggered when dogs become upset because of separation from their guardians, the people they’re attached to.”

The results can be heartbreaking, with dogs attempting to escape, sometimes injuring themselves or causing damage, particularly around exits like doors and windows.


Tofu’s journey began at a shelter, where he was known for his Houdini-like escapes.

But it wasn’t a desire for freedom that drove him — he simply yearned to be with his family.

When he was adopted, his new family quickly realized the depth of his anxiety and his need for constant companionship.


Despite the challenges, Tofu’s family was committed to helping him.

They captured his antics on video, which included impressive feats like leaping over 4-5 feet tall baby gates.

They even caught him on their home camera clambering onto the kitchen counter, searching for his beloved humans.


Tofu saw his adoptive mom as his safe haven. He was a reserved dog, needing time to adjust to his new life.

He arrived underweight and with partial blindness and deafness, requiring extra care and attention.

In his new home, he found a friend in Zoot, another Great Dane.


Zoot and Tofu quickly formed a bond. Tofu’s mom noticed something remarkable through the home camera – Zoot was more than just a friend; he was Tofu’s calming influence.

Whenever Tofu began to feel scared and anxious, pacing and barking in distress, Zoot would be there to comfort him.


Zoot’s presence was like a soothing balm for Tofu. She would lie down beside him, offering her reassuring presence.

Acting like a protective older sister, she would place her head over him in a gentle, calming gesture, letting him know she was there for him.


Having Zoot as a comforting sibling made a world of difference for Tofu.

In just a couple of months, he began to gain weight and his confidence soared.

Surrounded by a loving family, a caring sister, and plenty of treats, Tofu transformed into a more confident and happy dog, learning to enjoy life like a normal puppy.


Tofu’s story is a heartwarming reminder of the resilience of rescue dogs and the transformative power of love and companionship.

It’s a tale that not only warms the heart but also sheds light on the challenges and joys of caring for pets with special needs.

To see more of Tofu’s journey and his adorable interactions with Zoot, check out the video below!

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