Deaf Great Dance Hilariously Expresses His Displeasure When He Can’t Swim
They taught him sign language and he’s quite a good debater. ;)
Rachael Butler

It was a nice day outside and Max the Great Dane wanted to take a dip in the swimming pool. His fun plans were shut down once his mom said no. Did Max ignore her and jump in? Did Max go back into the house angrily?

No, Max did what kids do best. He threw a temper tantrum and kept trying to convince his mom to let him swim.


Max the Great Dane was also deaf. His owners taught him how to read sign language to follow commands. His parents even believed that he could read lips. With Max the Great Dane being deaf, it is remarkable that he listened so well to his mother. Well, while he might have listened but there was still a lot of whining going on too.

He might have listened but he was not going to be happy or quiet about it.


A dog trainer from Evolutionary Dog Training states, “…deaf dogs can be trained the same as most dogs. Working with deaf dogs has made me more aware of how unnecessary it is to repeat cues to communicate with them. Deaf dogs taught me how important body language is to dogs and how important it is to reward a dog for paying attention … if you can get a dog to go to his bed with glance and stop a dog from taking something from the counter with a wag of your finger, it shouldn’t matter if that dog is deaf or not.


Max was raised alongside his sister Katie. The two were pool doggies from the very beginning.

Being a frequent swimmer, Max could not understand why he was not being allowed to swim that day. His mother keeps trying to tell him that his jacket could not get wet but he did not care for that reasoning. Max started his temper tantrum off a bit quietly but was quick to get louder with every no his mother said.


While Max is upset about the situation, his mother had an a-ha moment. She realized that she could keep Max out of the pool by making him wear his jacket. Poor Max, he must have hated that jacket after a while. Max continued to put his face close to the water but backs off every time, right at the last second. He even tries to dip his paw into the water at one point but does not. If he couldn’t fully go in, it was not worth it.

The pool was just taunting Max and he could not walk away from the temptation.


Someone needs to turn on DJ Jazzy Jeff and Will Smith for Max because his “parents just don’t understand.”


Sadly, Max and his sister, Katie, passed away six week apart from each other. Their owners still recognize their loving Great Danes through their YouTube and Facebook accounts in their honor. There are a plethora of videos of Max and Katie’s adventures, even the adventure of being told no.

If you are wondering if Max ever made it back into the pool, don’t worry, he did. Just on a different day and without his jacket.


Watch Max the Great Dane throw his hilarious temper tantrum right below.

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