Somewhere in the heart of Chicago is an affable Golden Retriever named Rufio.
He’s a rising star on social media.
Like most pups, he loves to play. Also like most pups, he loves going to the pet store to check out all the new inventory.
On one such trip, Rufio got so carried away that he didn’t want to leave. And we mean he really didn’t want to leave.
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When his owner told him his time was up, Rufio decided to challenge him.
Rufio was putting his paw down.
They weren’t leaving and the way Rufio decided to communicate that with his owner is nothing short of hilarious.
Fortunately, his mom had the camera rolling to capture the moment on film.
People aren’t the only ones with the ability to become internet famous. This Golden Retriever has more than 228,000 followers on Instagram (not bad, right?).
Rufio’s mom runs his account with the name, livingthatgoldenlife, where she shares photos of his journeys as an urban dog.
According to his website (yes, he has one of those too), he’s in high demand.
He’s the Windy City’s “hottest” pooch.
On top of being featured by major publications, Rufio also gets recognized while hitting the town.
But it’s not all fun and games for this fella. Rufio is also a certified therapy dog that lends his paw to helping others.
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A lot of us have specific stores that we could spend hours shopping at.
Some like ones at the mall, others enjoy thrift shops, and for pooches – it’s hard to say no to a trip to the pet store.
There are pet retail stores across the country that allow your four-legged friends to join you while shopping.
With all the sights and smells that go along with them, it’s understandable why they’d have a blast too.
Apparently, Rufio really likes going to the pet store. He enjoys it so much that one day he just couldn’t say goodbye.
But how do you delay having to leave even though mom’s ready to go home? Simply lay down on the floor and refuse to budge an inch.
He wasn’t budging.
In the video, Rufio can be seen laying down on the ground of the pet store with his leash attached.
Mom gently tries pulling him, but instead of him jumping up, he hilariously slides across the smooth surface.
A couple of moments later he digs his paws in even more by laying on his side.
He looks at mom with eyes that perhaps are saying, “See, you can’t make me!” or “Pleeeeaaase… Just one more loop?”
It wasn’t up for debate.
Even when his owner sweetly says, “Time to go, Rufio,” it doesn’t make him move.
But can you really blame him? A dog being in a giant pet store is like having a kid in a candy or toy store.
Surely, there have been many parents who’ve seen tantrums leaving those!
It’s a video that’s so stinkin’ cute that Rufio the Golden Retriever’s owner decided to post it on their Instagram page.
She added a funny caption:
“When you’re not done partying yet #dontwannaleave #petstore #naughtypup”
Rufio is really a very good boy with a slight weakness for the excitement that is the pet store.
See how Rufio puts his paw down when it comes to hanging at the pet store in the video below!
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