Is there anything more adorable than puppies? Unlike human babies, puppies don’t cry loudly, and they’re a whole lot more fluffy and soft. It’s also nice to not be solely responsible for them, as the dog mom and dad are usually not too far from their puppies. Although cute, it’s not always fun and games looking after puppies, especially when there’s 6 or 7 of them!
But we’ve come across a video of a Golden Retriever mom and dad who make parenting look easy. The two dogs certainly make a dream team, as their owner films them watching over their puppies together, snuggling up to sleep with them and laying together as the puppies have their feed.
We can guarantee that watching this video is going to make you want some puppies for yourself!

The sweet video was posted onto YouTube by Viral Paws and became an instant viral sensation with over 14.2 million views, as well as thousands of likes and comments. It consists of a compilation of different clips of the little family, and after watching it we’re already asking the question of, “when can we move in?”
The video begins with the mama and dad watching over their sleeping babies. The puppies look to only be a few days old, and mom seems to be exhausted! But luckily, dad is on hand to help, and as she puts down her head to take a much needed nap, the proud dad stays on full alert as he watches over the sleeping pups.

Eventually, the dad begins to get tired too, but even as he puts his head lovingly on top of the mom’s, he can’t resist keeping one eye open for a few extra minutes so that he can check up on his little ones. You can really see just how much love these two have for their babies! They’re like a model family.

As if things couldn’t get any cuter, we then get to see a close up shot of one of the pups sleeping on top of his daddy. His little tongue is out and he twitches in his sleep, as if he’s dreaming of running around and playing with his siblings. It’s truly one of the most adorable things we’ve ever seen, and our hearts simply can’t take it!

A final clip shows the mom and dad cuddled up together as the babies drink milk from their mom.
How precious is it that the dad is always on hand to help, and he mirrors the pose of the mom even when he cannot feed the babies for himself! He should be a role model for all dads out there.

People took to the comments to share their love for the video, with one person saying:
“Absolutely should be illegal to be that cute, I want them all.”
Another joked:
“This dog couple seems like they are more faithful and loving than A human couple lol.”
A final person added:
“I’ve never seen a father dog do much to contribute to being involved with his puppies.. this is a good example of being faithful. I wish people would do the same.”
Too right! Watch the adorable video below.
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