Golden Retriever Overjoyed Marine Mom Returns Home
This dog made my day so much better. <3
Eduardo Gaskell

Marines are trained to improvise, adapt, and overcome any obstacle in any dangerous situation. The mindset is to win. To eliminate any threat to the nation.

These people give themselves for love of country and their sacrifice knows no bounds. They deserve all the love they can get.

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All the love in the world in a golden body.

Oshie is one to give out love. This good looking Golden Retriever is eagerly anticipating the arrival of his mom. Look at his expectant face.

His mom is Nancy. She is a Marine and is soon to arrive home from Norway. He cannot wait!

Oshie's World/Facebook
Oshie's World/Facebook

Oshie and mom are inseparable.

It is his dad, Jesse, holding the camera waiting to film the adorable moment. Oshie stares up wondering what’s going on. He hears something outside the door and goes to investigate. What’s that noise?

The door knob clicks and the door opens and… Mom!

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Oshie and mom cannot contain themselves.

This golden fur ball of energy cannot stop jumping and kissing his mom. He seems to be crying tears of joy too. Nancy’s face says it all. Her face full of love and joy as she reunites with her fluffy son.

Wet kisses all around! Nancy sits on the floor and allows Oshie to just shower her with his affection.

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Where did you go mom? Why did you take so long?

This beautiful breed is known for its friendly and intelligent eyes, their happy personality, and outgoing nature. They are excellent family dogs. Very loyal and friendly and that puppy-like attitude stays with them until adulthood.

They are a highly popular and desirable breed. Eager to learn and love and just be with the people they love.

Oshie's World/Facebook
Oshie's World/Facebook

Oshie is exuberant, merry, and a very good boy.

His coat is a stunning dark gold. His build is strong and powerful. But deep inside, he is just a playful and lovable dog who wants nothing more than to be with his mom.

Oshie even rolls around on his back letting his mom scratch his chest and belly.

He jumps back up to kiss her some more.

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You owe me a million of those kisses.

Imagine the joy Nancy must have felt after being away from home for so long and to come home to Oshie’s love. The hard work and sacrifices of men and women in uniform result in the security of the country and its furry friends.

Oshie must know this. He appreciates everything his mom does and makes sure she feels his gratitude.

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They certainly missed each other.

Viewers love the exchange so much. One even commented:

“Now this is the kind of dog attack that EVERYBODY should experience as often as possible!”

Pretty sure everyone would love to experience a welcome as touching as this one.

Oshie's World/Facebook
Oshie's World/Facebook

She helps win battles while he helps win hearts.

It is such a beautiful moment that the video has over 2 million views. Oshie even has his own Facebook and Instagram accounts. This handsome boy has so many fans and he is just an adorable reminder that whatever happens, there is someone at home waiting for us.

For Nancy and her countless sacrifices for her country, she deserves Oshie everyday.

Enjoy the heartwarming reunion by clicking on the video below.

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Source: YouTube, Facebook, AKC, Marines
